Chapter 49|Featuring

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Chaeyeon's pov.....

“Oppa, are you thinking what i’m thinking?”

“Mmh, there can’t be anyone else other than her”, we both shook our heads at the same time and went to YG since my break is over

I wonder what’s next on my Schedule, when we arrived we went to the conference room and everyone was there. After greetings i sat down and the meeting started, apparently i will be making my Chinese official debut as a singer with a full album and releasing a lightstick.

Since nothing was said about the romours going around online i also didn’t say anything, i suggested that i made the debut on the same date with my Korean debut. Well i suggested this idea for my own benefit, don’t blame me bacause this is my 5th debut and i’m afraid i will forget some anniversaries date.

Last year it was hard enough to remember my Chinese 5th year acting anniversary and you want me to add another random date again? at least next year i will just buy two cakes one in Korean and one in Chinise but at least the date will be same, i should have suggested same thing with my acting debut.

The company announced to release my first merch in June, it turned out everything is already done and the lightstick is kind of cute. It’s a clear round globe with a sun at the centre made of yellow UV paint surrounded by mint blue letters of both my names in spiral forming my names and each letter have lighting inside, so the lightstick still glow in the dark even when it’s off due to the UV paint on sun.

Since my Chinese debut will be a full album with 13 tracks we decided to feature some Chinese artists with the first person being Shuxin, this means that all songs have to be done by the end of May so that we can start recording early.

For my Chinise debut i’m planning to bankrupt YG Entertainment, i mean
come on Chinese nitizens are the ones who contributes the most on my success having more than 75% contribution on my album sales so the least i can do for then is to give them music video for each track.

Everyone thought i was crazy but Mr Yang understood my point of view and agreed, i know it’s a lot of work and costs since they have to also pay featured artists but they should look at the bigger picture. I believe that this album will do well than my Korean album, the two people i really want to feature since i am 100% they are not going to disapoint me even when shooting music video are WJSN Cheng Xiao and I.O.I Kyulkyung.

I made sure to emphasize these two on Mr Yang, three songs down five to go. We agreed that 5 songs will be sang by me while other 8 have feature artists, everyone knows that the budget can’t be any lower.

The songs were done by the end of may and other than the budget everything else will be handled by Shining Star Entertainment, my merch was released and the lightsticks sold out the moment they were released.

YG had to release an official apology for not releasing enough products and that they will release others in the beginning of July so fans can start pre ordering so that they know the number of lightsticks to make.

Many lightsticks were bought by Chinese fans, i went back china to start recording mid June and i managed to ditch media. I went to Beinjing so that i can be close to Shining Star Entertainment, we managed to record the tittle song and my other four solo songs in a week and it took us the rest of the month to record all five music videos since the quality have to be good.

The company told me that they were only able to find four artists and couldn’t find the last one but i told them it was fine, i didn’t mind since i still have two people who can help.

When i met with both Cheng Xiao and Kyulkyung we clicked well and even exchanged contacts numbers, i guess you can say we became acquaintances. It took me 4 days to record other three songs with those three and three weeks to record the music videos due to their tight schedules, each music video took a week
to finish.

Since everything was kept a secret i was surprised to find Jackson when i arrived at the studio, people Jackson Wang is being featured on my album Got7 Jackson Wang can you guys believe it?

We finished recording same day and i just couldn’t resist asking for a selfie and an autograph, and do you know what he did? he asked for my selfie and an autogragh on my debut album, Jackson Wang have my album and told me he was my fan.

I guess I can RIP now, we finished the music video in just two days. I posted many pictures with him on my Weibo and people were wondering if i am in China because Jackson is in China but i didn’t respond.

The other three artists are not that popular but they are good singers with clean record and rising well and i hope my album will do them justice and give them exposure they need, we finished the three music videos mid August and i was left with only one song which i decided to feature my girls.

We removed it and wrote a new song together dedicated to our friendship, they allowed me to direct the music video myself and guess what? i’m taking it to Underground, we will be racing.

Since the song was more of message to each other between three of us and it was more of playful it was just us being ourselves. It only took us a week to finish everything and the album was concluded and everything was sent to YG to get finalized, these past two months have been straining and i finally got chance to rest.

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