Chapter 72|The One

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Unknown pov.....

On the 16th of June Tancent released a statement regarding Chaeyeon's promotions for this album which left many fans wondering if she was ok

"Hello this is Tancent, Yu Xiaotong's agency. We would like thank fans all over the world for showing love to Chaeyeon's album The One, she really appreciate you guys and hope to see you soon. But due to some unforeseen circumstances she will not be able to promote this album and we ask for your understanding, she was really looking forward to see you guys and feels sorry that it will not happen as planned. The album will still be released tomorrow and we hope you continue to show support and some love towards her.

Thank you

Tancent Entertainment"

Many fans thought she was just not in good health but since the album release was not postponed so fans didn't mind, on the 17th the album was released at 06:00am. International fans were not ready for it, honestly not a single person was ready for this album.

Just after an hour of it's release it topped worldwide charts and album sales were soaring like crazy, every radio station in China was playing it. On Spotify it was streamed like hell, by 9pm it entered Billboard 100 worldwide charts at no.5.

Everything was just crazily overwhelming even to the fans and I'm sure even if Chaeyeon was to see this she would feel overwhelmed, the following day when stats were released to the public people were shocked.

The the title music video had over 80 million views on youtube and over 150 million views on Weibo, the album sales after 24hrs excluding pre-orders is 530 467 copies and adding the pre-ordered the total was 1.7 million copies and the sales are not slowing down.

At this moment the owner of this chaos was in Shanghai mountains, since she doesn't have her phone she doesn't know what's happening out there. Here she was suffering a huge mental breakdown surrounded by these legendary actors and actresses, she tried her best to make her presence unnoticed and it worked well for hearing nobody paid attention to her.

She is just an idol who just happened to struck a luck with a big production movie in the midst of all these people who have been in film industry since the beginning so she was just like a drop of oil in the vast ocean, when she is not shooting she will be in her room rehearsing trying to improve herself.

Though she is playing young Mulan she felt pressure because the older Mulan is so successful and have many tittles under her belt, the following day she went on set and she was sitting at her usual spot under the tree reading the script when someone approached her.

"Can I have an autograph please", four albums appeared in her face

It was her debut album, her Chinese debut album, her self-composed album and her latest album "The One". When she looked up it was Liu Yifei, she almost fell while standing up in a rush but luckily Fei caught her.

"Senior", she said bowing

"So distant, you can call me Fei Fei or jie jie", she said laughing while sitting down

"Yifei jie, how are you?"

"I'm good and you?"

"I'm good...", she sat down awkwardly

"Autograph?...?", Yifei reminded her passing them

"Oh, that...", she stammered taking them and sign

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