Chapter 13:Not Bad As I Thought

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Yena's pov

On Tuesday I woke up around 9am and Yujin and Minju had already left for school, i woke up and went to take shower. I changed to my simple shorts with an oversized white top and slippers, i dried my hair then went to have breakfast, others where already up watching TV or using their phones.

After eating I went and sit with others, it was only 4 of us since everyone else went to school even Yuri and Wonyoung. We were still watching TV around 13pm when Hyewon started to talk

"The Japanese members have arrived at incheon airport"

"How do you know?", i asked

"Internet", she said showing me her phone screen

It was a video of both 3 of them being escorted by the security team and staff, there were too many reporters taking pictures and following them.

"Hitomi is so cute, look at her smiling to them and waving. I would be scared", Hyewon said

"Because it will be your first time in that situation, those three have already debuted in Japan so they are used to reporters", Eunbi said and we both laughed

The girls arrived after 40 minutes and they were kind of shy but we assured them that it was ok, they went to their dorm to rest and we continued watching TV when Hyewon started to make noise again

"Wow, wow, daebak, she is so cool. She is the coolest in both 12 of us, Chaewon-nah come see"

"Wow, just look at how she walk and just ignore all the reporters", Eunbi and I went and join them

"Yeah she is cool", Eunbi said and we both nodded

She was wearing a black suit with a white shirt inside and black heels with her hair down and shades, she was walking as if she was on runway with cameras flashing on her.

"Is this how real idols look like? She is definitely going on trend list", Eunbi said

"Agreed", I supported her

"Have you guys watched her dramas?", Hyewon asked

"Nop", we both shook our heads

"Neither have I, let's check her social media accounts", She suggested

She went and searched her on Instagram and she was already verified, we just scrolled down her Instagram and it was addicting there were celebs that we noticed all over her Instagram and they were both actresses and already famous

"OMG, isn't this Zhao Lusi? I love her dramas, i am a huge fan" Chaewon said

"Yoh, guys remember that Chinese gaming drama that once became popular?"

"The one which the main leads were Wei Wei and Xiaonai?", Yena asked

"Mmmh, check this girl. Remember her?", Hyewon asked

"Wei Wei? No no she can't be friends with my idol", Eunbi said and we both laughed

"She is, and there is also one other person who appears alot on her Instagram but i don't know her", she showed us the pictures

Luckily she was tagged so we just visited her account, Princess_Shuxin45. Her name is Yu Shuxin, we did found few pictures of Chaeyeon on her Instagram and we guessed they are friends.

"When did she debut again?", Chaewon asked

"2 year 9 months ago, she have become crazily popular in China after making it to the debuting line. It's just a matter of time before she takes Korean entertainment industry by storm. She is the most promising among us", Eunbi unnie explained

Exatly after that she started trending at #3 in Korea, #TongTongourtreasure was trending on twitter. She arrived after 50 minutes and she came to our dorm to greet everyone before going to her dorm, i don't even know why I used to hate her. She is so down to earth and humble, I'm tempted to say she is so vulnerable. She is such a fragile treasure that need to be protected.

Eunbi unnie cooked dinner for everyone since others were sleeping, Yujin went and call them over. Chaeyeon was fast asleep so Sakura took her food to their dorm so that she can eat when she wake up, It was kind of fun getting to now each other the only barrier was a language. We were not fluent in Japanese and they were not fluent in Korean so we had to improvise.

We all went to sleep since it was late, apparently Nako and Hitomi will be starting school here in Korea next year.  They just have to make sure they pass their exams in Japan. In the morning the maknae line went to school and Nako and Hitomi were sent to their temporary Japanese school so that they don't slack in their studies. After having breakfast together we started to get to know Chaeyeon since she is the last one to arrive.

"So Chaeyeon are you a last born in your family?",Sakura asked

"Yup. I only have an elder sister, Esther"

"How is YG China different with YGE?", Hyewon asked

"Honestly they are all same, strict and friendly. But I find YGE more lenient and everyone is a family from sunbaenims to trainees, in China I'm the only idol in my agency and others are still trainees. It's hard to get scouted there so YGE is more lenient "

"Have you met Blackpink?", I asked


"BigBang?", Eunbi asked

"Mmh", she said laughing at our reactions

"How about Winner and Ikon?", I asked again

"All of them along with AKMU, i met them frequently since they were responsible for monitoring my training before joining produce 48"

"Wow, no wonder you are good at both dancing, vocal and rap", Eunbi said and we both nodded

We chatted until further on, our manager came to pick us up and we were all sent to our agency to practice our debut song choreography. The practice room was a fair size for 12 people with a bathroom, they showed us our parts and we all learned them. Chaeyeon was fast in memorizing her parts, she was already done while some of us were still half way. She helped Sakura while Eunbi helped Hyewon.

We finished around 7pm and went back to our dorm, the maknae line were busy with their homeworks. After showering our manager ordered food for us while the girls finish their homeworks, after eating we all went to sleep since we were all tired. The whole week went on with us practicing, we did teach the maknae line the chorus parts and the ones that we will be doing together so that they can just learn their solo parts only.

It was tirering but hey I signed for this, i just can't wait to debut. On Saturday morning we woke up early and went to Swing Entertainment to practice, we practiced the whole day and everyone was already familiar with their parts and positions. We just have to work on our synchronisation, we went back to our dorm and found cameras at our dorms. They told us we will be shooting a reality show, IZ*ONE CHU.

There are many activities we will be doing starting with a picnic and then going to Japan and visit Hitomi's family. On Sunday we went out for picnic while shooting our reality show, i honestly enjoyed it sadly time was not on our side. In the evening we went to our agency to record our debut album and next week we will be recording our music video.

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