Chapter 27|Paris

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Chaeyeon's pov

On Saturday I woke up at 11am since I am tired, after breakfast I took shower and ask Sakura to accompany me to the salon, our manager came and pick us up at 12pm. When we arrived I said goodbye to my hair and they cut it, I know it's crazy but I did shed some tears. After bleaching my hair black we went back to our dorm and the girls held a memorial service for my hair to cheer me up, what can I do without these girls.

We decided to do a vlive since it's been a long time, I did put on my hoodie. It felt nice to talk to wiz*ones again, after all the madness we finished the vlive and decided to watch a movie. I took a selfie and texted him to see what he think

"What do you think?"

"Elegant, you should keep short hair. It suit you best"

"Hahaha...thank you"

"You are welcome"

On Sunday I packed my bag since I'm leaving tomorrow, after confirming that I have packed everything I will need I was satisfied. Today I'm spending the whole day with the girls and I'm the one cooking, the whole day was fun. We did check some of our choreographies that we are not good at, in the evening I double checked my things and put my passport on the table.

We are taking a morning flight and we decided to use same flight so YG paid our tickets, first class. I woke up in the morning at 6am and took shower, our flight is at 10am. I am going to Paris home of fashion so I must respect fashion too, I selected my outfit and I was satisfied. Today it's Fendi day.

I put on my black jeans with a black Fendi turtleneck top with Fendi black thigh high boots and Fendi black overcoat, I let my hair down and choose my gift Fendi Kan I brown bag. After double checking everything I went to the airport, the girls couldn't stop gushing. Today it will be my first time revealing my hair in public, we arrived at 09:20am, there were too many reporters and manager told me that Jiyong oppa already arrived.

"Fendi watch me", I said to myself getting out if the the car

When i got off my jacket was unbuttoned and I walked and pose for media, they were asking where I was going but I just smiled. I walked in and went board my flight, i found him already inside and our seats were next to each other but mine was at the window.

"Told you look good", my cheeks betrayed me

"Thank you"

"We have a whole 12 hour journey, do you have comfortable shoes with you?", it struck me

"Ah, they are with my manager"

"Take mine"

"What about you?"

"I have extra"

"Oh....did you know i won't have mine?", he just chuckled

I took a picture of my feet wearing his flops, the moment we took off I fell asleep. When I wake up it was already night, it was 7pm Korean time. We talked the whole way, when he fell asleep I was playing game on his phone. We landed at 6am Paris time and used vip terminal, we went to the hotel we will be staying at and I just fell asleep due to jetlag.

In the afternoon we went and check the place we will be shooting at, after we went to a cafe to eat. We started by shooting outdoor scenes and and then indoors, it took us a week to finish shooting the whole music video. The day we finished oppa asked if I want to go and visit Eiffel tower and I was excited, I put on my black shorts and black denim jacket and black nike sneakers.

We went in the evening and took lots of pictures, I was so happy and then I heard



"Can you be my girlfriend?"

"Huh?", I was still frozen

"Can you be my girlfriend?",

".........", I just noded since I couldn't find my voice

And at that moment I felt warm lips on mine and holy mother Mary, my mind just went blank. To describe it, it was slow and passionate. We went back to our hotel around 11pm, I am going to Beijing tomorrow for Shuang's birthday and then I will go back to Korea. I woke up in the morning and said goodbye to everyone and left, oppa we will see each other at home. Indeed Paris is a city of love, we landed in Beijing at 11pm.

I went to Shuang's house straight, I arrived exactly at 00:00am and I wished her happy birthday. We had midnight snacks while I tell her about my relationship, she was surprised by our 11 years age gap but hey the heart wants what it want. I left China at 3pm since I'm not on break, I didn't even tell my parents that I passed by. When we arrived in incheon it was already 6pm and I was tired.

When i arrived at dorm I just went to sleep, this whole travelling thing is not fun at all. YG did announce oppa's comeback, I went to the bathroom to freshen up and went to have breakfast.

"Unnie you should have seen the storm you left here", Yuri said exergerrating

"What happened?"

"Your airport outfit and your new hair style"

"They loved it?"

"They freaking loved it", Sakura said joining us

"That's better"

I told them stories about Paris and after hiding some of the photos I showed them some, ever since Paris we have not met since he have been preparing for his comeback. When the teaser was dropped people were surprised to see me on the music video but it made sense since we went to Paris at the same time.

Like always the song did well and the day he finished his promotions he came and pick me up and went to his house.

"Wow, it's huge don't you get bored?"

"I'm kind of use to it"

"Wow, these rings?", I saw two rings on the table

"Chanel couple rings"

"Marking the territory?", he chuckled

"You can say that", he said putting a diamond one on my ring finger

"Isn't this more of marriage", he just laughed shaking his head

"I just prefer this one", I didn't argue any further

He cooked for us and it was not bad but I can proudly say I'm better than him, we watched a movie and he drove me back home around 6pm. The month went on fast and our comeback was announced.

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