Chapter 24:Keep It A Secret

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Yena's pov

This time our promotions in Japan before the comeback were not crazy like before, last time we almost died. Sleeping only 2hrs a day for 2 months, like usual Chaeyeon have been busy with her modelling schedules while we attend interview. When we came back from the interview Chaeyeon went to her other schedule while we stay back in the hotel.

This time i am sharing a room with her and my curiosity got the best of me when I saw her purse on her bed open, i walked over to her bed and open it. I found her medications inside but i started to frown when I read their name, they don't look like digestion or vitamin medicines. I started to search them on internet and holly mother Mary Chaeyeon have Cancer or use to have Cancer because these are cancer medications.

I just put everything back the way it was and my heart was racing, what was I doing. I couldn't help but smack my head, the reason she hid it is because she didn't want anyone to know and here I am.

"Ahhhh!!! What to do"

My head was not functioning straight, i put on my jacket and went out for a walk. I came back later on in the evening and it was time for dinner, i was feeling guilty about what I did. After eating we all went to our rooms and i couldn't take it anymore.



"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to do it honestly. I was just tempted beacuse it was open but i didn't tell anyone and i promise I won't tell a single soul", i just started blabbering things out

"What are you talking about?", she asked confused

"Your medications", I was honeslty feeling guilty

"You searched my bag?"

"I just saw it open and i.....and  I..... I'm sorry", i don't what she was thinking she was quite for a long time

"You.........", she walked out and it made me feel more guilty

I fell asleep on the chair waiting for her to come back.




"Go and sleep on the bed"

"Chaeyeon-nah......", i couldn't help but cry

"I'm sorry, i shouldn't have done it"

"It's ok, it was bound to happen someday. Now go and sleep on the bed"

"I'm sorry"

"Mmh. I forgive you, as long as you keep it as a secret"

"I promise"

"No wake up and go to your bed or your will hurt your neck"

I woke up from the chair and went to sleep on my bed, I just couldn't stop my self from feeling guilty. I woke up in the morning at 6am and took a warm shower and change to my black sweatpants with a white oversize top and went to eat breakfast with everyone. After eating we went to the shoot of our music video of our single Buenos Aires, the whole shoot took a week while shooting for our other b-sides singles.

We did managed to survive and continue with our promotions, the weeks went on fast and our song was released and it charted the music charts in Japan and the album sale was good too on the first day. We finished our promotions and went back to Korea and we were told that we will be making a comeback with our 1st full album and we were excited because we our past comeback and debut were mini albums.

When I saw the song it was fun but intense, the choreography requires a lot of leg strength, it seems I might have to hit the gym because I won't survive it. My knees will suffer from bending and it won't work, I have to go back to the gym. These days I have been contemplating a lot regarding Chaeyeon's cancer.

I mean check this out; Chaeyeon looks exactly like my mom, she had cancer and I hand cancer, she is Korean and adopted. She have to be a sister or a cousin from my uncle and aunts from my mom's side because she is not my sister since I'm the last born and definitely she can't be my twin sister. It just don't make sense, am I just too obsessed with Chaeyeon or I'm just being too melodramatic?

Wait a second, did my mom really abandon a child out that and she happened to be Chaeyeon? Hey Yena have you gone mad? What are you thinking about? I knocked my head, I really need to stop watching movies too much because basically what I'm thinking is that my mom happen to abandon her child out there.

And out of million orphan kids out there Chaeyeon happened to be adopted by another family and grew up thousands of miles away from us in China. And somehow due to destiny she happened to end up in Korea to compete for her dream with her sister Yena. They happened to hated each other and later forgave each other and ended up debuting in the same group and become close.

Hey it sounds too scripted, I just laughed thinkingof my useless brain that's becoming dumber. If Chaeyeon was my little sister then my brother would have known when she was pregnant and I would have somehow found out from him even if he was young then I think he would remember since he still remember the time my mom was pregnant with me.

I decided to stop thinking about it since i am starting to sound like James Bond, went to take a quick shower and went to Swing Entertainment to practice. When I got there I found Yuri and Sakura there, well for our practice we go Swing Entertainment by ourselves unless we are going as a group then our can take us there. But now since everyone is still learning their solo parts we practice individually.

Meaning everyone choose their own time that they will go tho Swing Entertainment by, some members practice at home often such as Chaeyeon, Hitomi and Yuri. They hardly come here to practice maybe once in a while they pop by but other than that they will be practicing at their form or roof top. I prefer at our agency because of mirror so that I can see my mistakes clearly.

But anyway starting next week we will be practicing as a group meaning everyone will be here from Monday to Friday  and sometimes weekends. We practiced till 5pm and took shower then went back to our dorms, today I went to dorm 1 for Chaeyeon's food since I'm hungry. When we got there she had just finished cooking and we are while talking about any normal things, after eating I went back to my dorm to sleep and I was gone.

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