Chapter 40|Pulled Out

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Chaeyeon's pov

"Tong tong!", i was greeted by Saeron unnie

"unnie!", she gave me a bear hug that almost crushed my bones

"our maknae is back", Jimin unnie said coming to hug me with everyone else

"omo, Jia unnie and Chaemin unnie lost weight. Have you been dieting?", i asked sitting on the couch

"our Tong tong is an angel and really know what to say unlike other people", Jia unnie said patting my head

We ate while catching up and they told me that we are scheduled to debut next year, i spent a week practicing with the girls and many people have been speculating my debut with baby monsters.

Today our manager came to take us to YG Entertainment for breifing meeting but we have a meeting with Mr Yang first, when we arrived we went to his office first and he was already waiting for us

"Tong tong you are back, how was your break?", he asked closing the file he was reading

"it was fine and i have been resting and eating well", somehow i have bad feeling about this meeting

"I called you here so that we talk about the group debut", he said giving us a serious look

"oh...", Jia unnie responded

"It will not be happening according to our initial plan"

"meaning?..",Jia unnie asked

"there will be an addition of four other girls in the debuting line....",

"we will be debuting with 11 members?", Saeron unnie interrupted him

"Saeron can you just let me finish without interrupting me?", i didn't know whether to laugh or cry with Saeron


"As i was saying there will be an addition of four members and no you will not be debuting as 11 but 10 members", i was counfused

"I'm confused, the number don't fully tally. what about the extra one person?", Seojong unnie asked and we both nodded

"After sitting down with board of directors along with investors and sponsers, Chaeyeon will be pulled out from Baby monters line up", I felt like i have been poured with a full basket of ice cold water

"..........", it was quiet for a whole minute

"HUH?......this does not make sense to me", Saeron unnie said shaking her head

"But why, isn't she suitable for the group image? i mean we practiced together all along and everything was fine what went wrong?", Jia unnie asked

"Well nothing went wrong, the decision was done after weighing all the advantages and disadvantages and there were just too many disavantages on her side.

Unlike you guys Chaeyeon is both actress and singer and she promote in both China and Korea so imagine how conflicting her schedules will be and her health will not be any better since she won't have time to rest at all which is why we pulled her out and
she will debut solo", we all understood his point of view after explaining

"Now that make sense", Jia unnie said noding her head

"But still we have been together like this for three years now", Miyu unnie said pouting

"There is a solution for that since you guys have been together for a long time, we will form a sub unit with all seven of you in the future after you all have debuted"

"That's better", we all agreed

"Chaeyeon have to move out of dorm tonight, the other girls will be joining you guys tomorrow. While you guys go and attend your briefing meeting Chaeyeon the management team will be here any minute for you", just as he finished talking a group of people walked in along with Mr Han and the girls left

"Annyeonghaseo", i stood up and greet them and sat down

"well Chaeyeon-nah this is your manager Mr Jang Rawoon, you can call him Mr Jang", at least he is handsome, sexy, hot and tall and he seemed to be young in his early 30s

"I will trouble Mr Jang to take care of me", i said bowing

"along with Mr Han, these are your extra personal bodyguard and will be with you everywhere on your schedule. This is Mr Park and Mr Kim", i wonder where Mr Yang collect all these hot men

"This is Kim Bora, your make up artist", i greeted her too

I honestly would like to sit down and get to know them but now it's not the right time, we have to go back to the dorm and pack my stuff. Bora unnie offered to help and my manager drove us there, there
were quite lot of things and they wouldn't fit in my bags so we used boxes.

My manager drove us to my new place and can we take this moment to appriciate YG for not being stingy and giving me this beautiful apartment by Han river on the 19th floor, i know my value is not low
but i didn't think it will earn me such a luxurious apartment.

When everything was moved in they all left and i started to pack everything according to my like, it took me three days to arrange everything and luckily the closet is huge and all my clothes were able to fit in nicely unlike at the dorm where we some of my clothes were left in my bags and under the matress.

I spent the rest of the time getting to know my staff since i'm only familiar with Mr Han, i don't like thefact that i''m the short one. I mean 162cm is a fair normal height for a female but Bora unnie is 174cm while everyone else is above 184cm so you can understand my struggle.

I look like a kid when i'm with them which is not fair, Jiyong does come often these days since i have my own place and there is no need to worry about the girls when he come over but i still prefer going to his place.

Lately he have been busy preparing for his group comeback and he is always at the studio with the guys so i get bored alot these these days. Today i woke up in a mood of shopping not clothes but cooking ingredients, i have been eating take-aways ever since i came back.

After sending my manager a massage
i went to take shower and change to my black sweatpants with a black hoodie, i waited for him while watching TV.

"i'm downstairs"

He sent me a massage and i took my purse and mask and went downstairs, I made a list of everything i want in the car and my manager was surprised that i can cook. After shopping we went home and i
cooked lunch for us since he thought i was lying, after eating he took the leftovers home and i laughed at him

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