Chapter 29|Consult

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Chaeyeon's pov

When i left Yena's home I went straight home and spend the rest of the day with the girls, lately they have been worried about my drastic weight loss along with my agency even my health have been detoreating lately due to stress. I try to eat as much as I can but I just don't have appetite, lately due to some investigations happening I didn't have a single schedule even in China.

Tomorrow I will be spending a whole day with Jiyong oppa and I feel like he deserve to know the truth about  my health, after eating I went to sleep since I'm not feeling well. When I woke up in the morning the weather was warm, after freshening up I went to have breakfast. These days I have been eating heavy breakfast hoping to gain some few kilos, later on I took shower and put on some black jeans and black tank top with some black sandals and left.

I found him waiting outside and we went to his house, when we arrived the first thing we did was to play games. Even though I was losing so badly I didn't want to give up, I was having inner conflict on whether I should tell him or not. But if I don't I will always be guilty, the guy have been nothing but loyal to me since we started dating even the smallest things that happens in his life he tells me.



"What if one day I wake up terminally ill, would you still love me the same?"

"Of course"

"What if it's really serious, like a matter of life and death situation?"

"I will still stick by your side, are you sick?"

"Mmmh", he stopped what he was doing and looked at me seriously

"Haven't you wonder why I lost too much weight?", he frowned a little

"I thought maybe it was stress due to what's going on with your group so I didn't ask knowing it might be sensitive to you"

"Well that also contributed but there is something else", I was getting nervous

"Babe, what is it?"

"I ha.....", I lost my words instantly

"Come on baby, I'm listening"

"I have ovary cancer", I couldn't look at him

"...........", it was silent for while then I felt strong and warm arms engulfing me and my tears just rolled down my face uncontrollably

"'s ok, we will get through this together", I just noded my head crying

"So how long has it been?", I explained everything from my adoption till now

"It must have been hard for you to hide this from everyone around you, I will always be here for you no matter what"

Guess what, this bitch fell asleep in his arms crying, when I woke up there was a blanket on me and the weather have changed. Since it was already late it was time for me to leave, he gave me his black hoodie and drove me back. When I entered my bedroom all the pain in my lower abdomen that I was able to suppress the whole day came back so fast and my knees jabbed since it caught me off guard.

I was on the floor sweating and used my upper body strength to push myself towards my bed, after taking my medications I fell asleep right away. When I woke up the following day it was already 2pm, my whole body felt sore and I didn't want to wake up. I just wanted to stay in bed the whole day but I guess we can't always have what we wish, I have to go to YG Entertainment.

These days myself and the girls have been using dodgy methods when we go out in order to avoid media and scandals during this sensitive time. We were told to avoid travelling and public areas so even if we are going to our own agencies we had to make sure we don't get caught by reporters. When I arrived at YG Entertainment I always use basement parking and use elevator, since I was pale and showing some discomforts while walking Mr Yang was able to notice.

"Tong Tong "


"When was the last time you had your check up?"

"In March"

"Why are you becoming more irresponsible with your health? Last time I heard from your manager that you were having difficulty with breathing during concert. Why didn't you consult after that?", he was getting angry each passing

"Sir that time because I had forgotten to take my medications with me to Japan, so I spent a week without.......", I didn't even finish before I was interrupted

"Week!? A whole week Xiatong!! A whole week without your medications, are you crazy? Do you know how dangerous that is? What if you have messed up your body's adaptability to them, aren't you supposed to be taking them everyday?!!", now that he was angry and shouting I felt bad that my tears just started to roll down

"Sorry sir, it will never happen again"

"How often to do you experience you symptoms these days", I was just about to lie when I heard

"Don't even dare think of lying to me", I got frightened and blunted out the truth

"Very often"

"As in?"

"Everyday", his eyebrows twitched and I could feel his anger as if he was about to choke me to death

"Go back to your dorm and pack your bag, you will be leaving in 2hrs", my eyes opened wide in shock

"To China?"

"You have to consult with doctor Chou, you can't joke and feigh ignorance when it comes to your health

I honestly didn't want to go home because I'm in bad shape and my parents would be worried when I get home, after leaving I went back to my dorm and pack. I packed few stuffs and texted Jiyong that I'm going home


"I'm am not in good shape so I have to consult my doctor"

"Is it that bad??"

"I'm afraid my medications are no longer working"

"Be safe, love you"

"Love you too"

After saying goodbye to the girls our manager drove to the airport, I will be leaving with her and my bodyguard. Every artist under YG Entertainment have their own bodyguards, even in groups everyone have their personal bodyguard in case case they have solo schedules but we share same security teams.

As for me I was assigned my own personal bodyguard the first day I came here but since now I am under iz*one we have our own bodyguards so he was assigned to other groups. Well I have to go with them because they have to keep Mr Yang updated, when we arrived at the airport there were too many reporters, luckily I was wearing a mask and cap.

Due to the ongoing scandals regarding our group, reporters swarmed with their cameras. I had to increase the sound of music since I had my airpods on, luckily they were not able to break the barrer created by the security team. My bodyguard seemed worried for me since lately I have been experiencing anxiety and panic attacks. We made it through security check and boarded our flight to Beijing.

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