Chapter 10:Debuting Line

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Chaeyeon's pov

Time was running fast tomorrow we are going to Japan, I'm kind of stressed because i didn't bring any proper clothes. After rehearsing for promotion guerrilla concert in Japan we went to take shower with Sakura and Moe, after shower we were just sitting on my bed talking about tomorrow while I'm taking my medications.

"Unnie why do you take too many medications everyday?", Moe asked

"They are Vitamins and for digestion, i have weak stomach"

"Ah", i didn't want to talk about my medications so i changed the topic

"Anyone who have extra outfits? I didn't bring my proper clothes"

"I can help, i have plenty", Sakura responded

"Thank you"

We went to her dorm to fetch clothes, i took blue jeans and black crop top. I also borrowed Moe's black blazer, they woke us up at 4am and took shower and get ready. After breakfast we went to the airport and it was crowded with reporters and fans, i held on Sakura's hand like there was no tomorrow.

Even when we arrived in Japan it was worse than in Korea, i was hearing my name everywhere and i didn't even know where to look so i just waved everywhere along with Sakura. I was sharing a room with Sakura, Yujin and Ga Eun. The whole promotions were fun and I wished we stayed longer but the day after we came back. On Saturday it's the final day and I'm proud of myself for holding on till the finish line.

I must say my korean have become better and i can't wait to go back to my members, they should be coming along with my parents on Saturday since it's the final day. The whole week ended with rehearsals and i was scared since i was the centre for my team and it's my first time, when I walked on stage i saw my family in the crowd along Shuang but she was wearing a mask along with Shuxin.

I was so excited to see them that I almost ran off the stage, after all the performances it was the ranking ceremony. I was standing there when they were calling out top 12 who will be debuting, Sakura made it and I was proud of her. The last rank to be announced was 12th, i was honestly not on it. I did not even once think that I will debut.

I was just standing there minding my own business when I heard people screaming and clapping hands and i also clapped along, i felt something was not right when the girls were hugging me. I just stood there until Ga Eun told me I made it I should go forward, i just walked there all confused and i was given a mic to make a speech. I was not prepared for this I don't even know what to say.

"Uhmm, i would like to first thank everyone who voted for me to be on the debuting line, i will also like to thank my company and my unnies for being by my side all the way. And my family for supporting my dream without questioning it and Lusi and Shuang. Thank you everyone"

After the ceremony we all went backstage and i was happy to see my family, i did noticed the I do bear a little resemblance to Yena's mom. We have few similar features, is this fate playing prank on us? I mean we started as enemies, then debut in same group and now I resemble her mom? It's wow. After talking my parents left and went back to China since they have work and Shuang left too.

That day we all went back to dorm to pack our things since we will be going to our homes before we move to the official dorm as a group. On Sunday morning my manager came and pick me up and we went to YG Entertainment, they threw me a congratulatory party and i was touched. After the party we had a meeting about our group debut.

"Tong Tong, congratulations on your debut", Mr Yang said

"Thank you"

"So for your group debut, what should we do? Should we debut you and Chaeyeon will join you guys after her promotions with Iz*one or should we wait?", Mr Yang asked

"I honestly think we should wait for her and debut together", Jia unnie suggested

"I think so too, it's just 2.6years and she will be back, we will also be perfecting ourselves", Seojong unnie added

"Since you all agree then you will debut when she come back, and Chaeyeon there won't be much change in your schedule in China. We will just make sure it does not conflict with Iz*one's schedule", he added


"You will be going home on Tuesday and come back on weekend then move to new dorm on Monday, make sure you take everything you will need because you will not have time to go home much often", i knew he was referring to my medications

"Yes sir"

After the meeting we went back to our dorm and have a pyjama party to celebrate my debut, we had a long fun night. On Monday we all woke up late and went to practice, when we came back I packed few clothes that I will be leaving with. I went to take shower and we had pizza before sleeping.

My manager woke me up at 6am on Tuesday and i took a quick shower then put on my maxi black dress with sandals, i took my bag to the company car and we left. When we arrived at the airport we went through security checks and waited to board my flight since it got delayed. At first I thought our manager was going with me but no, I'm leaving by myself.

When I arrived in Beijing my former manager was waiting for me along with three bodyguards, at the exit there were many reporters taking my pictures. I didn't know i have become this famous, I guess I will be making headlines lately. I hope I don't put Shuxin in any trouble with media.

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