Chapter 63|Fairies

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Chaeyeon's pov...

After the live i just chilled on the balcony eating my snacks, it's boring anyway. I spent two months rearranging everything in my life, i need to make a comeback so that i can measure my value before deciding which agency to join.

When i woke up in the morning i looked for a studio to rent just for a week, since i already have songs on my journal i decided to record a full album myself with 10 tracks. I only need to record a music video and then after i will think about the distribution of the albums.

After the whole album was done i asked my dad to help me with album distribution so he asked one of his friends who have a distribution company and the copies were printed. Trust i felt pain spending $7million from my own account to pay all the costs and everything, we printed 2million copies for just in case.

When everything was all set and done it was already November, i am proud of myself even though my personal bank account is crying after being abused. I went on Weibo and instagram to announce my comeback and also post a link of website where they can buy their albums.

[yxc_ttong]: "my Fairies your prayers have been answered, are you ready for the album? the pre-orders are open and you can just click a link below, love you guys. 6th December, lets make it lit. i can't wait"

My social media accounts went crazy and the numbers of pre-orders started to go crazy soon after, on the 6th i couldn't stay still. Today is the day i will know if my hard work will pay off, the moment the
album was released 5 songs entered top 10 of the music charts while other 5 were in top 20, i couldn't contain my excitment when i saw my title track at the top of the charts.

I could finally rest in peace, i fell asleep at that moment. Suprisingly i got invited to many shows and interviews, by the end of December i was done with myself promotions and sold 1.7million copies can you believe that? and the album is still selling in steady pace.

Finally my money is back in my account and i can finally breath, i think it's time to find an agency. This year i was happy to be able to celebrate my birthday with my fans, i feel like i'm aging fast. Not long ago i was 24 but today i'm 25 years old.

My cake arrived at 11am and Shuxin helped me set up the balloons, i went live on Weibo to celebrate my birthday there. It was fun doing this again, after eating the cake with Shuxin which by the way we finished it during the live and logged off.

When Lusi and Shuang arrived in Hong Kong we went out to eat, since all three of them were the ones paying my bills today i ate however i want. Even those expensive cuisines that i don't even dare waste my money on i ate them today.

After eating we went shopping and by the time we finished it was already 7pm so we went back to my place, when we arrived at home the security told me that there is a gift that was delivered by a truck in the afternoon and he told them to wait for me at the basement.

Indeed when we arrived at the basement we found a truck there, i knocked on the door and they came out

"Hello, i am Yu Chaeyeon Xiatong sorry for making you wait for so long", i said bowing

"it's ok we are here to make delivery, so can you sign here for us please", he said giving me a clip board with a paper for me to sign

"ok", after sighning i and gave it back

"thank you", he went and opened the back of the truck and guess what

"Oh My God!! is this modified?", Shuxin asked not blinking

"Danm, isn't this the car on the background of your laptop?", Shuang asked

"i thought it looked familliar", Lusi said checking it out after they lowered it on the floor and gave me the keys and a card

"I know you love it and you have been asking for it for a long time now, so i couldn't help it when we went to look for a gift with your mom. I modified it just for you, when i come over we should go racing prepare yourself.

Happy birthday love

Mom & Dad"

"He finally bought it for me", i said looking at the girls

"Since your 19th birthday", Shuxin couldn't help but shake her head

A turquoise chrome Lamborghini Urus with five horse pipes, what else can i ask for? when i started it i felt like i have reached heavens gates just by it's sound, how will it be when i'm driving it?

Probably having a friendly meal with God himself, after taking off the riboons i parked it on my parking spot and we went inside. The girls left the following day in the afternoon and i just layed on the couch planning my next move.

On friday when i woke up it was really cold since my air conditioner was off, i forced myself to wake up and turn both floor heater and aircon. I went to the bathroom and take a long warm shower, after putting on my robe i went to the kitchen to make myself breakfast.

I ate while watching news, when i checked time it was already 8am so i went to my room to get ready. I put on my blue jeans with a black turtle-neck top and laced up boots with a dark blue coat, after putting on my specs i took my phone and car keys and left for my appointment.

When i arrived it was already pass 10 due to traffic, i parked at the basement and went in

"Welcome to Tancent Entertainment how may i help you?", the receptionist greeted me

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