Chapter 52|Fans

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Chaeyeon's pov...

I spent the rest of the week resting since it’s about to get busy again, on Saturday morning i packed my backpack and went to Beinjing so that i can see my family before going back. I decided to take train and i found it no less better than flight, i took a picture of myself and posted on Weibo.

[YXC_Ttong]: Hong Kong to Beinjing, say hi if we are on the same train...kekeke

I fell asleep after 10 minutes, i woke up later on and started to play game on my phone. When i arrived in Beinjing i met some fans since i was not disguising myself it was easy for them to identify me, somehow i was happy that i got a chance to met my fans and i felt the urge to get to know them.

"Tong tong!", a girl in pink shirt called waving and i waved back and they screamed

"we are your fans", the other one in jeans screamed

"i can tell, what are you guys doing here?"

"we were waiting for you, we rushed here the moment you posted you were on your way here by train", the girl in pink responded jumping

"that long? what if i didn"t get off here", i asked shaking my head

"at least we would have tried, we didn't get to attend your showcase but we bought album and lightstick", the other girl who was quiet from the beginning respondend

"what are your names?", i asked walking closer to them

"i'm Jiaoyang", the quiet girl responded

"Susu", the girl in pink responded

"Yanyan", the one in jeans responded

"How about i treat you guys for a meal since you have been waiting for too long you must be cold", i asked them and they started to squeal

"really?", Susu asked with her eyes sparkling and i found them cute

"mmh, let's go. i'm not in a hurry anyway i didn't tell them what time i will arrive at home so i'm guessing they won't mind, do you know any nice restaurant close by?", i asked the moment we started walking and i put on my mask

"i know one, let's go", Jiaoyang responded leading the way and it was not far away since we arrived in 10 minutes

"so are you guys still students?", i asked when we reached our private room

"mmh", they all nodded at the same time

"we are all 2nd year students in capital university", Yanyan responded

"wow that's nice, what are you studying?", i asked really interested i mean these are capital university students geniuses

"Business Management", Susu answered

"i'm studying Computer Science", Jiaoyang responded

"same here", Yanyan responded

"I would have also been studying in capital university if i didn't go to Korea back then", i said picking up the menu to order

"you finished high school?", Yanyan asked genuinely suprised

"i also didn't know", Susu said but Jiaoyang was indifferent

"she graduated from capital high school in top 5 how can you guys not know that? but she chose to pursue singing in Korea", Jiaoyang explained feeling proud that she knew something they didn't and i just laughed

"Really?", the two asked in unison and i just nodded

"That time i was still just an unknown actress but then i got a call from Korea that i have a spot reserved for me there in an up coming girl group so i decided to take a leap of faith and dive to the unknown"

"How was it when you got there, weren't you scared?", Susu asked

"i was scared since i didn't know anyone there, i always felt homesick and lonely. especially when i joined the survival program, it was a competely a different world that i didn't even know and cruel. everyday i had to deal with my insecurities and people's opinions by myself, and there were many times i wanted to give up but when i thought that i would have wasted my chance of going to a nice university for nothing and my hunger to prove myself made me prevail"

"weren't your parents worried?", Yanyan asked

"they were against me going there from the beginning since i have always been under their wings and suddenly i had to go away, but they changed their minds when they saw my burning passion. I asked them to give me a chance and if i fail i will come back home but they were still worried, even today when i go back to Korea for my schedule they still worry they are parents after all what can they do",

"tong tong be honest with us, you are 22 about to turn 23 now. have you not dated, not even once?", Susu asked and blushed

"Well i did but it ended in tears for me and now i'm still recovering", i said faking tears

"this is why you should always date at home, we have many outstanding men here at home why are you wasting your time trying to fish in stormy sea while you have a pond full of fresh fishes at your backyard?", Jiaoyang asked and we both laughed

"i guess you are right", we finished eating and take selfies

"can i please have an autograph?", Yanyan asked and they all nodded

"i don't have a pen....", suddenly my mom called complaining

"it seems like i have to go now, how about i follow you guys back on Weibo as a form of an autograph?", i asked taking out my phone and logged on my Weibo

After following them back and saying goodbyes i took a taxi home

[YXC_Ttong]: just had a lovely meal with these lovely ladies who were waiting for me in Beinjing @susu @yanyan @jiaoyang thank you for making today special for me and thank you for being my fans. everyone i will make you proud xoxo....

When i arrived at home i didn't hear the end of lecture from my mom, i ended up sliding to my dad's study room and play game there while he was busy with his office work. That reminds me i have not
visited the other side for a long time, i went to my room to make a call but no one picked up so i called on Yena's phone and she picked up on the 4th try

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