Chapter 57 - "The Same Reason As Usual."

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- Chapter 57 - "You Need Sleep, Race." -
Warnings: No sleep, nightmares
Third Person POV

Chris (the Brooklyn version of Kloppman, aka the Brooklyn Lodge owner) walks into the room, a bit surprised to find Race in there.

He was sitting at the table, sipping water slowly. He only had a sleeveless undershirt, pants, and socks on, his suspenders hanging at his waist from the waistband on his pants. His dirty blonde curls fell in front of his eyes slightly and he didn't bother to move them.

Chris immediately noticed the redness of Race's eyes, the glossiness, and the bags under his eyes. He frowns, looking at the clock. "Race," he starts quietly, looking back at him.

Race looks up at him, a bit surprised since he hadn't known he was there.

Chris pulls a chair out at the table, across from Race. "Why are you up?" He asks, sitting down in the chair. "It's 5am."

Race looks at the water he swirled around in his cup. "Same as usual, Mr. Chris." He responds quietly.

Chris sighs, rubbing the temples of his forehead. "You gotta sleep, Race." He tells him softly.

Race looks up at him. "I woke up around this time everyday back in 'Hattan." He reminds him. "It's just habit now." He states.

Chris sighs again, meeting Race's blue eyes. "But you guys get up an hour earlier than we do." He responds. "I understand that you woke everyone else up in Manhattan, but this is Brooklyn." He tells him. "It's different in a lot of ways."

Race's eyes fall back down to his cup. "I know that." He responds quietly. "I know real well that this ain't Manhattan, Mr. Chris." He leans back in his chair.

Mr. Chris sighs again, his eyes soft as he looks at Race, looking him over again. "Seriously, Race. Is there any way we can help you sleep better?" He asks.

Race shrugs, still staring at his water so he didn't have to look at the older man. "Don't know." He responds quietly.

Mr. Chris stares at him. "Seriously, if you don't help me out here, I'll have to tell Spot." He tells Race.

They heard footsteps. "Tell me what?" They heard someone ask.

Race and Chris look up to find Spot, standing in the doorway, his arms crossed.

His brown eyes were only slightly tired, his hair a bit messier than usual, and only having socks, an undershirt, and pants on.

Spot looks at Race. "You look horrible." He comments, walking into the room.

Race rolls his eyes, still playing with the water and cup.

"Why are you awake?" Chris asks, watching Spot walk over to the sink.

Spot points to the cup that he had grabbed out of the cupboard and started to fill.

Mr. Chris nods.

Spot leans against the counter, sipping his water as he looks at Race. "Why are you awake, Racetrack?" He asks.

Race was a bit annoyed by this question. "Am I not allowed to be awake?" He questions.

"No." Spot answers. "You aren't, not at this time of morning." He adds.

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