Bonus Chapter 6 - There's a New Sheriff (Leader) in Town

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- Chapter 110 - The Best Family in all of New York and the world -
Warnings: worry, anxiety, a little bit of anger at certain points, crying, slight concern, but it's really a pretty nice chapter lol
Third Person POV

Race wasn't ready.

In fact, he was far from ready.


Race turned around. "Yeah, Jack?"

"Could I talk to you?" Jack nodded his head towards the window that lead out to the fire escape.

Race's eyebrows furrowed. "Yeah, sure." He left what he was doing and got up. He followed Jack out to the fire escape and climbed up onto the roof. "What's the matta'? You look sad."

A soft smile formed on Jack's lips. "Racer, I'm getting too old to be a Newsie."

Race's eyes widened as he realized what was happening. "Jack-"

"Listen to me," Jack stopped him. He sighed. "I know what you're thinking. I'm not going yet... but I'm almost eighteen. When I turn eighteen, I'm going to take the job that Pulitzer offered me. He's okay with waiting until then," he informed the boy.

"Jack, that's in a month," Race whispered.

Jack nodded. "I know." He swallowed hard. "I'm gonna save up so Dave, Charlie, and I can get an apartment."

Race looked up at the sky to fight off tears.

"But I can't leave Manhattan leader-less," Jack stated, watching the boy in front of him.

Race swallowed hard. "Yeah... who are you going to leave as the leader?" he asked quietly.

Jack paused for a moment, but then remembered that this was the kid who had no idea who Spot Conlon, the King of Brooklyn, was and insulted him the first time he met him, then fell for him and spent two years in denial.

Race looked at Jack, noticing that he was silent. He paused as he realized Jack was looking at him. He pointed to himself.

Jack nodded.

Race's eyes widened. "Jack, I can't-" he whispered. "I can't lead them without you- I-"

"Racer, listen to me." Jack grabbed his hands and stared into his eyes. "You can. I know you can. I wouldn't have made you the second if I didn't think you could take over when I left," he told him softly. "You lead better than I do sometimes, and you'll have Blink and Specs... and Spot."

"Jack, I-"

"Race, please. You're the best person to lead Manhattan," Jack told him, almost pleading with him. "You already do everything you need to in order to lead; you make buddies pairs, you go to the meetings, you have good relations with other boroughs, you sell enough papes. Those boys all love you, you know that," he told him.

Race wrapped his arms around him, tears stinging his eyes. "I'll make you proud, I promise," he whispered into Jack's shoulder.

"I have no doubt you will." Jack smiled softly, hugging the boy close.

Today was the day where Jack would watch Race to see if he was a fit leader (despite the fact that he already knew he was a great leader).

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