Bonus Chapter 4 - Christmas Day for the Newsies

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- Chapter 108 - Also, I imagine that the all of the Newsies in every borough who celebrate Hanukkah or Kwanza or another holiday group up and celebrate together -
Warnings: not anything bad; it's pretty fluffy. Slight mention of puking, but no one actually throws up
Third Person POV




Cigars are flying through the air.

"Race!" Lucky shook Race awake.

Race groaned and covered his head with his blanket. "Ain't ya ever heard of anything called sleep?" he grumbled.

"You sound like Skittery," Tumbler commented, sitting to the side of Race.

"I didn't know you've heard of sleep before," Les responded. "It don't look like you've ever gotten any in your life."

"Ouch." Spot chuckled.

Race lifted his blanket up a bit and stared at the boy. "You've hung around Albert and Finch too much."

Les grinned. "You're awake, great!" He started climbing down from the bunk. "Now to wake up Blush!"

Tumbler jumped over the side of the bunk, into Spot's arms. Then, he slid out of the older boy's arms and bounced off.

"Ay," Jack chuckled, "who taught you that, Lester?"

Les stopped in his tracks. He turned around and narrowed his eyes at Jack. "You, actually, Francis."

Jack's jaw dropped.

Race snorted as Lucky giggled, hiding under Race's blanket with him.

"Oh, you-" Jack reached for Les.

Les giggled and quickly took off, grabbing Tumbler's hand and pulling him with him.

Spot chuckled. "You deserved it."

Jack rolled his eyes. "Did not."

"Oh, have some Christmas spirit, Jack." Boots rolled his eyes at him as he walked past the bunk, his blanket wrapped around him. "He's an excited kid who learned your name from hearing Race yell it when you annoy him." He yawned and walked away.

Jack looked over at Race, clearly unhappy.

Race smirked. "I don't regret it."

"You're gonna get in trouble." Lucky giggled from under the covers.

"Yeah, Antonio," Jack nodded, gesturing to Lucky, "you're gonna get in trouble."

Race raised an eyebrow at him. "That didn't work," he commented.

"It did not," Jack agreed.

"It doesn't have the same ring to it," Spot commented, leaning against the bunk. "Everyone knows Race's real name."

"Not true."

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