Chapter 70 - Crates, Crates, He's Hiding in Crates

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- Chapter 70 - Read the Caption to the Tune of Snape's Part of the Song -
Warnings: Not eating?
Third Person POV

After selling with Ace for a few days, and then Hotshot one, then Cloth, and then Rags, Race was back with Cloth today.

At least, he had been during selling.

Now that he and Cloth were back from selling, Spot couldn't find him.

Spot knew Race was still in the Brooklyn mainland as he definitely hadn't left, but he couldn't find him.

Spot sighs deeply in frustration as he walks into the Brooklyn Lodge kitchen.

Flash looks up at him. He smirks. "Lost Race again?" He asks.

Spot glares at him. "Where the heck do Pebbles and Shadows hide?" He asks the sixteen-year-old.

Flash shrugs. "He doesn't tell me," he responds.

Spot rolls his eyes.

Chris was behind the counter in the kitchen. He looks at Spot. "Checked the roof?" He asks.


Chris chuckles. "Maybe he doesn't want to be found right now," he suggests.

"Too bad." Spot grabs a piece of bread from Rags. "He hasn't eaten today and he's my boyfriend, never mind the Prince of Brooklyn now; he's gonna have to deal and I want cuddles," he tells him.

Chris chuckles.

Rags smirks at Spot. "How's he liking that title?" He asks him.

Spot shrugs. "Better than the Fallen Angel one, I assume," he answers. "He hasn't complained about this one that much."

"I think he just thinks we're horrible at nicknames," Rock, who was on his break at the moment and was sitting at the table with Flash, comments.

Spot chuckles.

"Yeah, cause we also have Dozy, Sling, Splash, and so on," Rags agrees with a laugh.

"To be fair," Flash starts, "Manhattan has a Crutchie," he reminds them. "And Blink."

"And who the heck names a nine-year-old 'Racetrack'?" Rags laughs.

"Hey!" Spot exclaims, clearly joking. "I love that kid they named Racetrack," he plays along.

"Oh," Rags laughs, "pardon me then, for I have insulted your boyfriend. I beg for your forgiveness," he responds.

Spot laughs with the other three boys.

"And Manhattan has a Splasher," Chris adds.

"As if that's not confusing." Flash rolls his eyes. "We had a kid named Splash first," he states.

Rock looks at him. "No, we didn't."

Flash shushes him.

"And they're siblings," Spot adds.

"I don't get why they're not in the same borough," Rags comments.

"Cause Splasher is deathly scared of Brooklyn and Splash likes getting to fight," Chris informs them, cutting vegetables.

"Oooh," the four Newsies realize.

Chris chuckles. "Hey, Spot,"

The brown-haired boy looks up at him.

"When you find Race," Chris starts, moving all of the cut vegetables into a bowl, before starting again, "bring him to me. He hasn't eaten vegetables in a few days."

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