Chapter 14 - "It's Time I Go Be a Good Second/Leader."

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- Chapter 14 - Treating Injuries and Ignoring Injuries -
Warnings: Injuries, abuse, crying
A/N, okay, I'm very grateful, but the book is second place definitely deserves first. We can switch VaquitaLibra :)
Third Person POV

This is Spot's fault.

He didn't come.

Realization hit Race.

If he had come, Crutchie wouldn't be in the Refuge.

Race clenches his fists, taking deep breaths to calm himself down.

However, taking deep breaths hurt his stomach/rib area.

He figured that couldn't be a good thing, but he could figure that out later.

He had other stuff to do.

Race forces himself to stand up, causing Albert and JoJo to look at him, confused.

Race wipes his eyes, refusing to let himself cry anymore. "Come on," he puts his hand out for JoJo. "It's time I go be a good Second." He states, the fact that he had been crying obvious in his voice.

JoJo shoots him a wary look. "You've been through a lot, Race." He tells him softly, standing up on his own so he didn't hurt Race anymore. "We should probably treat your injuries and let you rest."

Race shakes his head. "We can do that after I help everyone else." He responds stubbornly.

JoJo sighs softly, looking over at Albert.

The redheaded boy just stays silent.

He would force Race to treat his injuries in a bit, but he couldn't deal with it at the moment. He was in too much pain.

"Fine." JoJo gives in. "But after, we're treating yours." He states, pointing to Race.

Race doesn't respond as he starts to walk back to the Lodge.

The other two boys share looks, before following him.

At the Lodge

Race walks into the Manhattan Lodge. "Okay," he starts.

Everyone turns to face him.

"Who isn't here?" Race asks, looking around. "And who's hurt the worst?" He adds.

"Uh..." Specs shoots Race a wary look, looking up from where he was treating Mush's injuries. "You seem pretty bad." He comments.

Race ignores his comment.

He goes to grab bandages and stuff.

Specs looks to Albert and JoJo, an eyebrow raised.

JoJo shrugs. "He just got up out of nowhere after sobbing for a bit, and decided that he needed to be a good Second." He explains quietly.

Race walks back into the room.

"Crutchie isn't here..." Henry's frown deepens. "And Jack's missing as well." He informs Race.

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