Chapter 90 - "Try Me, McCarthy."

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- Chapter 90 - Woah, things are starting to get crazy (not that they weren't already lol) -
Warnings: kidnapping, injuries, fighting, betrayal, lying, crying, worry
Third Person POV

People who saw the Newsies gathered in the park were confused.

What were they doing?

Why are there two sides?

They figured they were just playing some stupid game as street kids often did.

But this wasn't a game.

Race's life wasn't a game, especially not to Spot.

And his sister.

The leader of Harlem was his sister?

But she had been dead.

"Well, after you betrayed her and left her for dead," Revenge started slowly, looking over at Spot.

"What?" Spot was extremely confused. "I didn't leave her for dead! I left her to find food, passed out, woke up with Newsies, and when I went back, she was g-"

Snowflake paused, listening to him. What?

"Conlon." Revenge glared at him, seeing the look on Snowflake's face. "We don't need pathetic excuses right now. We're talking, not you," he stated.

Spot gritted his teeth.

"Either way, Snowflake was found by London," Revenge gestured to the girl, who pulled off her hood, "and became leader of Harlem, with London as her second in command." He smirked a bit. "And she never forgot the importance of family."


Spot stared at him, slowly connecting the dots.

Sling walked up and stood next to him.

"Oh my god..." Spot felt like he wanted to puke. "Your brother isn't dead," he whispered, slowly realizing that what Sling told him was a lie.

"Giovanni's dead, Sean," Gino sobbed. "He's dead and I have nowhere to go."

Spot sighed. "Why did you decide to come here then?" he asked.

He was never super close with his cousins; his sister had always been closer to them. But his mother always told him that family was most important.

But Spot had a new family.

"Because I saw you selling and knew you were family," Gino explained quietly, tears still streaming down his cheeks. "Please? Let me stay here?"

Spot sighed, looking around. "Fine, but you need to refer to me as Spot," he told him sternly. "I'm the leader of this borough and very few people can call me "Sean"."

"Oh, thank you!" Gino threw his arms around Spot. "I will! I'll call you that!"

"You liar!" Spot was fuming. "Your brother isn't dead! He's right there!" He clenched his fists. "You lied to me to get yourself into Brooklyn, only to betray us for someone you told me is dead!"

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