I'll Protect You (Natasha Romanoff x Reader)

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TW: kidnapping, death threats, potential trauma

It's pitch black. The air reeks of metal and smoke. Your wrists are tied together behind the chair you were bound to. You would most likely have a bruise the next day. You were blindfolded and gagged, you can't see or speak. But you can hear. You can hear the scuffling of the boots your kidnappers are wearing. It was all so unfair.

You were walking to work, minding your own business. It was early, 4 AM to be exact. That was the downside to your job, waking up and leaving at such an early time. Working for the Avengers was great, but your job required long hours. The street you happened to be walking on was run-down but that's the path you always took. You kept your head down even though there weren't many people walking at the time.

Nothing had ever happened on your commute before so why was today different? You were minding your own business and walking at a brisk pace but that didn't stop two men from grabbing you from behind and pulling you into a dark alley. Before you could even comprehend what was happening they pulled a bag over your head, obscuring your view. One man had a rough hand against your mouth, muffling any screams that you dared let out. You couldn't see but you could tell there were two men. One was holding onto you and another was talking. Whatever he was saying was a mystery, you couldn't understand the language he was talking in.

The two men exchanged a few hushed words before the second man spoke into your ear, "Don't do anything stupid, I'll slit your throat in a heartbeat. You don't have to get hurt as long as we get what we want."

You put two and two together, they must want something from the Avengers or just Natasha, your girlfriend. They were using you as bait, or as a bribe. Like any sane person you were scared, your life was on the line here.

An hour after being stuffed into the back of a van you got tied to the chair. You had no idea where you were, but judging from the smells, it was possibly a warehouse.

You didn't want to freak out but you were afraid. You had confidence that someone would save you but you were still terrified. There was a speckle of doubt that you wouldn't make it. You tried to avert your brain from thinking that, but it was a possibility.

After sitting in that chair for what felt like hours, your whole body seemed numb. The only thing you could move was your head, which felt heavy on your neck.

That little ounce of doubt was growing, how long had it been? What if the men end up deciding they don't need you?

As you replayed all these thoughts you heard a noise. There were raised voices which sounded like your kidnappers. There were gunshots, then several thuds. What was going on?

Footsteps got closer and closer to you before stopping right behind you. A voice in your ear, "I'm here, I'm going to get you out of these ties. Everything's okay." Natasha. She came to save you. Hearing her soothing words melted your doubt. Of course she would save you.

A snap and your wrists were free. You pulled off your blindfold and let your eyes adjust. There wasn't much adjusting to do at all because of how dark the room was. You seemed to be in the center of a dingy warehouse, just as you assumed. No light came in, the windows were covered with ripped tarps.

You turned your head to look at Natasha. For a second she looked worried but as soon as she noticed you were looking at her she smiled softly. "Are you okay?"

"As okay as I can be, I guess. Rattled for sure." That was an understatement. Your mind wandered about all the ways these men could kill you or what would happen if you weren't saved. While you sat there your mind was feeding into your fear, making it worse than it already was.

Natasha could see right through you. In part because she was trained and part because of how well she knew you. Being together for almost a year did that to people. "Hey, it's okay to be afraid. You shouldn't have had to go through this, it's my fault."

"No it's not. I got myself into this when I decided to work for the Avengers and when I decided to love you. I wouldn't trade those for anything."

"Don't go thinking this is normal now. From now on I'm going to be with you. I'll stay with you, get you a ride to work, all that. I want my girl to be safe." She was kneeling in front of you, hands around your wrists, gently massaging them.

How you came to turn a fierce assassin into such a caring and sweet partner was a mystery to the rest of the team.

As promised, Nat got you home, driving you from the ransom location to your apartment in New York City. You were held about an hour out of the city at some abandoned industrial area.

It was a little past noon when you left and because of traffic, nearly dark by the time you got back. Nat parked her black car on the curb outside and followed you into the familiar space. The whole ordeal had drained you, mentally and physically. Nat could tell and guided you straight to the bedroom.

She rummaged through your dresser and pulled out more comfortable clothes for you to change into. You took them and went to the bathroom to wash your face and get dressed. When you looked into the mirror you could see dirt on your face and your smeared makeup, a reflection of how you felt on the inside.

You washed off the makeup and the dirt and changed out of the equally as dirty work clothes. As you headed down the hallway you threw your clothes into the laundry bin. When you opened the door to your bedroom Natasha was laying in your bed.

You didn't pay any mind until now but she carried a duffel bag in with her, and it now sat next to your door. It was open and when you peered in you could see the clothes she was wearing when she saved you.

"Feeling better?" Natasha lifted the covers and patted the spot next to her. You crawled into the bed, letting it engulf you in warmth.

"Yeah." Your mind tried to make you remember how afraid you were but you pushed it aside and focused on Natasha, who was pressed against your back and talking into your ear.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you faster. You didn't deserve to go through that. No one does. If you need to I can find a therapist or someone for you to talk to. If you don't want professional help then I'm here. I don't want you to bear this alone."

"I'll take you up on that," you paused. "Nat, I was so scared. I just kept thinking that I was going to die and no one was going to save me and- and-" you were broken off by tears as you recalled everything you had felt in the past few hours.

"Shh... It's okay now. I'm here for you. You don't have to talk about it yet." She rubbed your arm and pressed soft kisses against your bare shoulder, doing her best to calm you. Your sniffles died down, soothed like a baby by your girlfriend.

"I promise I'll protect you okay? Forever. I mean that. You don't have to be afraid anymore."

She held you close and continued to kiss you, relieving the doubt and worry that was troubling you. She kept you against her, physically keeping you locked away from any harm that could possibly come.

And between her soothing words and gentle caresses, you drifted to sleep. 


Another request from AO3! If you guys have any feel free to comment them, message me, or ask on my Tumblr!

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