Becoming a Parent Headcanon

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Includes: Tony Stark, Thor, Loki, Sam Wilson, Clint Barton, Bucky Barnes, and Steve Rogers


-tony would be ecstatic if he found out you were pregnant

-as soon as he finds out he tells the rest of the Avengers

-he brags about it every chance he gets

-he doesn't let the public know because he doesn't want you or the baby to get hurt

-he will SPOIL that child

-he will give them anything they want

-during your pregnancy he will make sure you're comfortable and feeling okay

-he most likely would stay with you and your baby for a few months before and after the pregnancy


-just like Tony he's excited

-he's giddy from the time you tell him to the time you have your baby

-he's always wanted a little one

-he's already planning all the stories he's going to tell them to bed

-once you have your baby Thor is all over it

-every chance he gets your baby is in his arms

-he is such a softie for you and your child

-he most likely cried when you told him and when you gave birth

-everyone would be amazing parents but Thor would make sure his child is never upset

-he would show off his child, not brag but literally carry them around and show everyone


-Loki is a little scared when you tell him your pregnant

-he isn't sure if he'll be a good father because of all his family drama

-he vows that he'll never abandon you or your child

-he will try his absolute best to be a good father

-he would mellow out a bit once he found out because he doesn't want to do anything that could cause you or your baby any harm

-when you give birth he's right by your side

-he holds your hand and tells you everything is going to be okay

-once the baby is born he falls in love with it

-he didn't entirely comprehend the fact that he was going to have a kid

-but as soon as he sees your baby he knows he'll protect it with his life


-he always wanted kids

-he may seem like a bit of a grump on the outside but he is a total family man

-he would keep your pregnancy a secret for you and the babies safety

-he stays home with you a lot and makes sure to call often when he isn't with you

-he cries when you tell him and when you give birth

-he's in complete awe of this thing you both created

-as your kid gets older Clint will try to be there as often as possible

-you being a mom makes you more attractive to him

-he was completely in love with you before but then you have his child and he sees you taking care of it and loving it and he just melts


-out of everyone I think Steve would be one of the best parents

-he is very family oriented and very responsible

-everything is planned out

-he keeps track of doctor appointments and all that

-he would go a little overboard with the clothes especially the superhero merch

-when you tell him his mouth falls open and his eyebrows turn upwards in the middle

-he's speechless but he hugs you and kisses your belly

-while you're still in the hospital after giving birth you fall asleep and look over and Steve is holding the baby, rocking them, cooing at them, and talking to them

-he staring down at it with a smile plastered on his face

-since you had the baby he was glued to your side making sure you were doing okay


-when you told Sam he dropped to his knees and cried

-he never explicitly wanted to be a father but now that he found out you were pregnant he's excited

-he would also keep it a secret from everyone but Bucky, Steve, and his family

-he would carry the ultrasound pictures in his wallet

-when he was missing you he would just pull them out and look at them

-he would occasionally tear up when he looked at them

-he would ask Sarah for advice on what to do and how to help alleviate your stress and pain

-he's a grinning mess the whole nine months

-he can hardly wait for you to have the baby

-he would rub your stomach and talk to it all the time

-he would go to parenting classes with you and do yoga with you


-he's scared

-he isn't sure if he'll be a good father because of everything he's been through

-that doesn't mean he won't try though

-you reassure him all the time that he'll be a great father

-you would take his hand and press it against your stomach every time the baby kicked

-whenever you were doing something he would come up behind you, nuzzle his face in your neck, and put both his hands on the underside of your growing belly

-he would keep your pregnancy a secret because he would be scared of something happening to you or the baby

-when you give birth he would fall in love with your baby

-he would do anything to keep you two safe

-he would be hesitant to hold it because of his arm but you would tell him it was okay

-when he's holding the baby its like nothing else matters other than them

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