The New Recruit (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)

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After all the attacks that had been made on Earth in the past ten years the Avengers thought it was time to find a new member. Who better than a 24 year old girl that grew up in a lab? From a young age you were experimented on and eventually developed powers. Said powers being cloning. You can create duplicates of yourself for a limited amount of time, and during that time they do whatever you project them doing.

Your father, or the mad scientist that created your powers got arrested when you were 15, leaving you with your grandparents. You were kept under surveillance until you came of age 3 years later. You acted like everyone else, going to college and then getting a job. That was until you got a call from Nick Fury. He knew about the tests and experiments that were done to you and asked if you could control those powers.

That was how you ended up becoming an Avenger. It was exhilarating to finally use your cloning for good.

The Avengers became like your second family, Wanda especially. She was the closest in age to you, only being about a year younger. She too was experimented on and ended up with powers. The rest of the squad was weary of her. Her emotions were strong because of everything she had been through.

You and Wanda quickly became close. Like sisters close. But there was something there you were afraid to explore. You felt... attracted to Wanda in a way you hadn't before. You weren't opposed to dating girls. You've been with a few guys before but it never lasted. You could never confide in them your secrets, your power.

Your sexuality was something you'd never explored. But Wanda made you feel safe and warm. When she touched you it made your breath hitch and when she looked at you your heart ached. You didn't know how to tell her, or how to tell any of the crew you liked men and women. But you could start with telling Wanda how you felt. You had an inkling that maybe she felt the same way about you.

You were hanging out with Wanda in your room, watching a romance movie that you found. You thought it was a romance movie but by the end of it you were both crying. It ended in tragedy, which you didn't know.

You turned to Wanda who was crying. You both looked at each other and giggled. You reached out to help Wanda wipe her tears. You cupped her cheek and swiped your thumbs beneath her eyes. You didn't retract your hands when you finished though. You realized the close proximity you were in. Your eyes flickered from her parted lips to her pupils. Without saying anything you leaned in and so did Wanda.

The kiss between you was electric. Fireworks went off and lights flickered (not literally). You kissed once, then again, then once more. You rested your forehead against Wanda's while you both breathed. Wanda licked at her lips and wistfully sighed.

"What?" you whispered.

"I wasn't sure if you..." she trailed off.

"Me either but I know how I feel about you. I like you Wanda."

Now she was cupping your face, pulling you in for one more kiss.

That was the beginning of your relationship with Wanda. You both agreed to keep it a secret until you were ready. You didn't want to tell the whole squad about your sexuality and attraction to Wanda just yet. You would kiss in private or hold hands when no one was watching. Little risks like those set your heart ablaze. You felt like a kid keeping secrets from your parents.

You kept this up for a while and you planned to tell everyone soon. Wanda was nothing but patient with you. She said she liked the secret looks and touches. You were still going with the whole charade when Tony announced his birthday party would be in a few days. You never experienced one yourself but Thor and Natasha told you how over the top they were.

For the party you dressed in a short dress with a low hanging neck that flattered your body. You also put on a pair of strappy heels, fit for the occasion. You could hear the music playing in the main living area as you went down in the elevator. You peered out the floor to ceiling windows and saw cars lining the street. Leave it to Tony to invite every single celebrity he knows.

You stepped out onto the level that the party was happening. The whole floor was full of people dancing, drinking, and lounging around the couches and pool table. You immediately spotted Wanda across the dance floor and you had to go all the way around to get to her. Your jaw dropped when you saw her. She was wearing a gorgeous deep red blazer and matching pants with a belt to cinch in her waist. To go along with it she had black glittering heels that made her taller than usual.

Seeing her like that and not being able to touch her was the hardest game of temptation you had ever played with yourself.

"You look amazing!" you yelled over the music.

"So do you!"

You both went to the bar to start the night off right. Natasha happened to be occupying the bartender position and made you the ultimate party drink to get you loose in no time. The drink had a satisfying burn as it went down your throat. You downed the rest of it, resulting in a wild laugh from Natasha. "I just know you can party!"

You took Wanda's hand and pulled her over to the dance floor. You moved in time with the music, feeling yourself up as you danced in circles. Your girlfriend was completely hypnotized by the provocative way you were moving your body. She couldn't resist anymore and put her hands on your waist. The alcohol was strong and was already clouding your thought process. At the moment all you wanted to do was dance.

Hundreds of sweaty bodies were moving and sliding around on top of each other. Wanda was behind you now and moving back and forth with you. You threw your head back on her shoulder and guided her hands up and down your torso. She had finally broken her resistance. She pulled you away from the party and into the empty hall that held the elevator.

"What-" She pressed you against the wall and crashed her lips against yours. She was gripping your hips, which had been tempting her all night. You were pulling her even closer by her neck, head turning this way and that as you tasted the drink on her tongue.

Heels clacking pulled you out of the kiss. You gazed over at the person who so rudely interrupted you and saw that it was Natasha. Oh fuck. You suddenly felt as sober as a saint.

"Natasha- I- We-"

She chuckled, "You don't have to explain yourselves to me. I already knew. Don't worry, I won't tell." She winked and returned to the bustling party.

You leaned your head against the wall. "Shit."

"Hey gorgeous, it's okay." Wanda put her hand on your cheek and leaned back into you. "She said she wouldn't tell. I trust Natasha."

"No. It's about time I told everyone. If you want to, that is."

"Do whatever you're comfortable with, baby." You let out a breath with your nose and smiled at your girlfriend. She smiled too and then continued to kiss you.

You ended up leaving the party early, which didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the Avengers, who asked you about it at breakfast the next day.

"Why did you two leave last night? The party was just getting started." Tony was drinking a green smoothie but put it down when you two came in.

Wanda looked at you, encouraging you.

"Um... we left. Together. Me and Wanda are... together." You shifted your weight from one foot to another as you gaged your teammate's reactions.

Realization dawned on everyone's faces other than Natasha's. Tony was the first to speak again. "Well I think this calls for a celebration." He reached under the counter and pulled out a bottle of whiskey.

You laughed, in awe of your team. Of course they wouldn't judge you.


This was requested on AO3. If you guys have any requests just comment them!

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