Getting Used to the Twenty-First Century (Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes)

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The best part about being best friends with Steve and Bucky was that you got to teach them about all kinds of things. They had missed out on years on pop culture and you were going to help them catch up.

"Okay so today I was thinking we could watch The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. There's a lot of mo-" you were cut off.

"Wait. There's movies?" Bucky asked.

You and Steve laughed. It was hilarious how excited Bucky would get when you would show him something he already knew somewhat about. Most of the things you had been showing them were newer, things from around the two-thousands and two-thousand-and-tens. They didn't recognize most of the pop culture you were showing them and you thought it was time for a change of pace.

"Yep. There's three Hobbit movies and three Lord of the Rings movies so we'll be here for a while," you said. You had never watched any of the Hobbit movies. Maybe when you were younger, but not anytime recently. You had heard about Bucky reading them when he was young, before he lost his arm and before he became the Winter Soldier, and decided that it would be something the three of you would enjoy.

Bucky plopped down on your couch, pulled his boots off, and got settled in. "Well let's get started."

You laughed again and switched on your TV with the remote. You went to the streaming service that had the movies and found the first Hobbit movie. Right before you started the movie Steve spoke up. "Can you make popcorn?"

"Yeah. I'll be right back guys." You went off to the kitchen and put a bag of popcorn in the microwave. You set it for two minutes and waited until it had fifteen seconds left before opening it. It was something you had done forever because you believed that cooking it for one minute and forty-five seconds was perfect, and if you cooked it for two minutes it would be burnt.

You pinched the bag right on the edge so as not to burn yourself and poured it into a large red bowl for the three of you to share. Your bare feet padded across the linoleum flooring of your apartment all the way to the brown couch that was up against one of the walls in your living room.

Your friends are sitting there, both in the spots with armrests, leaving you in the middle of the three seater couch. The way the three of you worked was like brothers and their little sister. You would argue like siblings but protect each other like them too. You really enjoyed the companionship and knew that Bucky and Steve did too.

"That's not fair," you said as you saw the seating arrangement.

Steve smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "You snooze, you lose."

You playfully scoffed and looked between the two guys, who were both wearing smug smiles. "I was making popcorn for you, come on!" You rolled your eyes and parked yourself right in between the two masses next to you.

You hit play on the movie, which the boys had so gracefully waited for you to start instead of turning it on themselves. For the next six hours the three of you stayed on the couch, occasionally getting up to pee or refill the popcorn bowl. By the end of the marathon you were sprawled across the couch, head in Bucky's lap and feet in Steve's. You would be lying if you said that you didn't fall asleep during the six hours. Bucky had to not-so-gently shake you to get you to come to.

Although the movies made you fall asleep, neither Bucky or Steve dozed off. They were both excited to see the adaptation of a book they had read so long ago. The joy on their faces was enough to make you know you had made the right decision in choosing to watch the movies with them.

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