Dip-Dying Your Hair Red (Avengers x Reader)

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-he's meh about it
-he does think it looks cool
-but he also thinks keeping your hair natural is better
-because that's how he was raised
-but he can't and won't say anything about it because he's had the serum and that's not natural either
-he goes with a simple compliment when he sees it
-"It looks nice. It suits you kid." He gives you a thin 'white guy' smile and a thumbs up
-he likes it
-he personally wouldn't dye his hair
-he loves it too much, doesn't even like getting his hair cut
-he reminisces on the time that Loki pranked him by turning his hair bright green when they were kids
-"Ah yes, we were just children. He was always up to such antics. One time he cut Lady Sif's hair and she gave him a good lesson." He would chuckle and sigh, thinking back on his childhood
-she loves it
-its kind of like hers
-and it matches your powers
-when you're shooting the flames out of your hands and your hair is whipping behind you it looks epic
-"Ah this.is.amazing! You look so good!"
-she makes a camera lens/frame with her fingers and pretends to snap shots of you when you're in uniform
-all in all she thinks it looks really cool and she's kinda proud because she thinks she might have influenced it
-when she wants her hair to be blonde she asks you to help
-oh he straight up doesn't care
-but he does think there's too much red in the team
-he thinks everyone needs to find their own color because his theme is red
-he most definitely makes jokes about it
-"Who the hell are you trying to be, Kool-Aid Man? In fact, did you dye your hair with Kool-Aid? I heard kids were doing that."
-you don't know where he heard that but you didn't dye your hair with a Kool-Aid packet
-but you did do it yourself at home
-he thinks it's 'dope' as the kids call it
-he literally calls it dope, which makes you and Nat crack up
-Tony doesn't know why you're laughing because he says dope too
-anyways he asks if you can help his daughter dye her hair becuase she's been asking recently
-you agree and one day his daughter comes to the tower with him and you bring your stuff
-she chose purple so that's what you do
-she ends up loving it and says you're her favorite super hero
-Clint is really thankful that you did that
-he likes it the least out of everyone
-he goes on a rant about how the dye is damaging your hair
-"All those chemicals are breaking through your cuticles so the molecules stay there... Yada yada... It's really not good for your hair. But at least you didn't bleach it, that's even worse."
-he's a doctor and scientist, what did you expect?
-when Nat mentions how cool it is he shuts up and nods, just disregarding what he had previously said to you
-he means we'll, he doesn't want you to regret it later
-he knows from personal experience that changing your body isn't always good
-his body modification was a lot more extreme than yours but he still advocates to be careful and do research on things like that
-he also offers to help you pick the least harmful products to use if you ever dye your hair again

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