*Disobeying the Captain (Steve Rogers x Reader)*

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Your heart is pounding out of your chest. Your footsteps are thundering on the metal tops of shipping containers.

"Y/L/N get out of there! Retreat! That's an order!" Steve yells.

You ignore him and keep running, sights set on your fallen comrade. In just a moment the bomb will go off. But you can't leave a man behind. You won't. You jump down to the concrete ground and drop to the man's level. "Can you walk?"

"I can try," he pants out. His whole body was shaking and his leg was limp. You loop and arm under him and hoist him up. You start running back with the man limping along with you. Once you come into view of Steve he runs to meet you and as you pass the man along there's an explosion. Heat gushes behind you and your head rings.

"Get in the chopper Y/N I got him!" You start running and risk a glance back at the chaos. The shipyard is in flames and your team is right at the edge of it. You jump into the back of the helicopter and help Steve fasten your teammate into a seat. You were clutching your burning chest. The intense running was killing your lungs.

You and Steve were the last to get in but as soon as you do the chopper takes off. You put on the aviation headset and let your head rest against the wall behind you. You can feel Steve's glare even with your eyes closed. It was safe to say he was mad.

As soon as you land and your injured teammate is taken to get help Steve rounds on you. "Y/L/N you had no right to disregard orders." He's fumming and his eyes are narrowed at you.

"Steve, you know I couldn't leave him behind. You wouldn't leave him behind would you?" You cross your arms and stare right back at the taller man.

"This isn't about what I would do, this is about you. You almost got yourself killed acting reckless." At the last sentence his eyes momentarily soften but then he resumes his furious stance. If you weren't blinded by anger you could have caught it.

"I won't leave a man behind and that's that Captain." You weren't going to let Steve make you feel guilty for your actions.

"What if you didn't make it? What if you both died huh? Then we would have lost two people." He raises his eyebrows, thinking he's got the better of you. His hands are on his hips and his face is a foot from yours. His blue eyes are intense and burning.

"But I made it. I got to him in time and we made it back. No lives were lost."

Steve swallows thickly, "You'll come to my office later to discuss your punishment. Until then you're dismissed."

"My punishment?" you ask in disbelief. "What are you going to do, spank me? I saved him for Christ's sake!" Your arms are wide open and your eyebrows are raised.

"We'll discuss this later Y/L/N," he says through gritted teeth before turning from you. You scowl at his back and he disappears around a corner. For a minute you stand there, still in shock that he would punish you for that. You huff and finally turn around, making your way outside to the parking lot.

You turn on your car and switch on the air conditioning. You were still sweaty from the mission and the thing you needed right now was some cool air. You pop open the center console and pull out your phone. You immediately dial Sam to rant about Steve's behavior.


"Sam, you will not believe this. We just got back from a mission right? And one of my comrades fell, we took him to the med area and he's getting treated, he should be okay, but I went back to save him because the bomb was about to explode and I couldn't just leave him there. We get back and Steve blows up on me! He says, and I quote, 'You had no right to disobey orders.' Can you believe him?" Everything gushes out at once in one long and quick breath of air.

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