*Insecurities (Clint Barton x Reader)*

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When SHIELD was recruiting the Avengers you were included right there with them. They had people with suits and people with powers but they needed someone that was equal parts good at fighting and good at mending wounds. That's where you came in. You were a medic in the Army but also possessed a keen eye and quick reflexes.

Upon your arrival you felt little compared to Iron Man, Thor, the Hulk, and Captain America, who all had something special about them. Tony had a suit, Thor was a literal god, Bruce became the Hulk, and Steve was a super soldier. That left you, Natasha, and Clint as the only ones that weren't superhuman or superheroes. In the beginning you doubted yourself and the part you played in the team, which the rest picked up on.

After fighting alongside them your doubt waned, seeing that even though they were highly skilled, they weren't completely immortal. After being an Avenger for a while your doubt was gone, you were a pivotal part of the team.

Your best friend, Clint, however, still doubted himself. You really didn't understand why. He was your eye in the sky, watching your back as you ran down the trashed New York streets.

You and Clint were the most "normal" of the Avengers, which was something to bond over. Natasha wasn't entirely fond of being in one place and always seemed to be busy. Tony was a billionaire, Thor was a god, Bruce was a scientist, and Steve was still trying to figure things out.

You and Clint didn't do nearly as much as the others during your off time. Because of that you developed a strong friendship, and on your side, love. It wasn't something that could be helped. It wasn't like you meant to fall in love with your best friend, it just happened. You hadn't told him yet and didn't have any plans of when to tell him.

On one of your days off you met up with Clint at a local lunch spot that you frequented. It was a quiet place and no one raised any fuss when you came, which you both liked. The place was dimly lit and had tough burgundy booths in the corners. The atmosphere was like a bar, but they didn't serve any alcohol.

You were a regular and became familiar with the employees and owner. You came to find out that the place actually used to be a speakeasy, which made perfect sense.

You slid into the corner booth next to Clint. You could tell he wasn't in the best of moods due to his unusual quietness. Around you he would say anything that came to mind but today he wasn't.

Your favorite waitress came to get your orders, not even bothering to give you menus because you always ordered the same thing. Clint ordered a loaded burger and Coke and you ordered your favorite meal and drink. Greasy food made you feel better and hopefully it would get Clint talking.

"So what've you been up to?"

"You ask that like you don't call me almost everyday." He said it in a monotone voice, no sarcasm laced in it at all. Something was definitely bothering him.

"What's going on? Why are you so grumpy?" You nudged his arm.

He sighed out of his nose before he let it out, "I feel useless, that's what. We work with the strongest people in the universe yet we're there too? I'm not... like them. I'm nothing special. The team doesn't need me. I don't belong with you guys. I'm dead weight."

This wasn't a new concept to you. Clint had said things like that a few times and it broke your heart each time he did. Does he not know how much the squad cares about him? How much you care about him? You probably wouldn't survive without him. After hearing this nonsense too many times you had had it.

"Clint. Honestly, why do you think of yourself like that? You are just as important as anyone else on this team. Hell, without you I'd probably be dead. I can't even count how many times you've saved me. I hate hearing you talk like that because it's not true. You aren't dead weight and you do belong. You are the only thing keeping me sane. Your help me calm my nerves before missions and you have been nothing but loyal to this team-"

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