Being the Mom Friend (Avengers x Reader)

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-the Avengers didn't think anything of your motherly ways
-they assumed you were just the mom friend that liked to keep them in check
-you always made sure everyone was fed, no one was hurt, and they were taken care of
-sometimes you would yell at Tony for skipping meals, or yell at Bruce for not going outside for days on end
-"Bruce, aren't you a doctor!? Why in the world have you holed yourself up in here? I know you love your work, but you need to take breaks sometimes!"
-"Tony you can't just eat smoothies. No, you can't. When is the last time you've had a proper meal? Jarvis, when is the last time Tony ate? WHAT!? Oh my god go to the kitchen, I'm making you lunch."
-They really appreciated how much you cared for them
-they loved you just as much as you loved them
-without you they wouldn't have their lives together
-funny how a group of superheroes that literally save the world can't take care of themselves
-well anyways, Nat was the first to notice how your gaze would linger on mothers and their children whenever you went somewhere together-she was confused at first
-she thought that maybe you just wanted to have kids or something like that
-but then she got to thinking and realized that probably wasn't the case
-you never talked much about your family or your childhood
-but Nat thought that maybe you had parent issues, specifically mommy issues, because of how much you acted like a mother figure even though you were the same age as everyone else
-one day she asked you about it
-you were hesitant and a little embarrassed at first but Natasha reassured you and told you having mommy or daddy issues wasn't as weird as you thought it was
-Natasha then explained to the group, who were completely support of you, and they decided to do something for you
-for the next month they tried to take care of themselves, and even cook for you
-you thought it was pretty odd but you weren't upset about it
-then around a month after they found out they decided to throw you a surprise party because you're just that amazing
-you came into the tower as normal and went upstairs
-as soon as the elevator doors opened the lights flashed on and all the Avengers popped up from behind furniture
-you laugh and put your hand over your mouth
-"What is this about guys?" you really didn't see a reason for them to hold a party for you
-"You do so much for us we thought that you deserved a little celebration."
-each of the Avengers took turns hugging you before Tony brought out the bottles of alcohol and the party started
-you had a really great time
-it was nice to be able to have fun for a change
-at the end of the night Steve told you how they knew about your mommy issues and told you it was okay because they all loved you, and you never had to feel like they didn't care
-you started crying and Natasha rubbed your back until you eventually stopped

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