Princess of Vanaheim (Steve Rogers x Reader)

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[Y/N's POV]

It was your first time visiting Midgard and you were already in love with it. Your home Vanaheim was lovely too but it was quiet and there weren't nearly as many buildings. Being the youngest of four children you were the last to experience traveling to another planet. Your other siblings downplayed Earth and all its wonders. When they returned from their trips they acted as if it was just another day. But to you it wasn't.

The place you decided to go was full of people and colors and sounds. In certain areas there was an unpleasant odor but you didn't let the smell deter you. You walked past tower after tower but stopped in the one you were staying at. The entrance of the hotel was very elegant, fit for a princess as your sister stated. It was the same hotel she stayed at when she visited.

You went up the elevator and walked to room 642. The door opened with a beep when you swiped your card and you walked in. The view of New York was gorgeous and you wouldn't be able to get enough of it during your stay. You plopped onto the bed and laid there for a second. Your eyes were about to drift close when you heard a strange noise outside.

You jolted up from your bed and looked out the window. Your breath halted when you saw a giant portal opening in the sky.

[Steve's POV]

There were so many invaders Steve didn't know where to go first. On one hand he needed to stay and fight, but on the other he needed to evacuate the people of New York. The huge caterpillar looking space ships were crashing into buildings and breaking other structures. Steve sighed and set off into the streets. He stared up into the sky as he ran. The giant shadow of the ship was fast approaching, but he would have to get to the people first.

The first building he looked into seemed to already be empty so he ran in and out of the multi-story buildings, shouting that everyone on the upper floors should evacuate. The police zoomed onto the scene and Steve passed on the message to evacuate the skyscrapers.

Once that was taken care of he was hurrying back to the rest of the Avengers, striking down aliens as he went, when he heard a woman screaming. He looked up into the sky and saw the same woman dangling from the edge of a building many floors up. Steve sprinted into the building, skipped the elevator, and ran up the many sets of stairs, knowing it would be quicker.

While he was outside he estimated what floor the woman, which happened to be you, was on and determined it was between 15 and 20. When he got to the sixteenth floor he heard the same scream, this time closer. He ran into the hall and saw that dust was everywhere. He ran towards the voice and broke down the door to the room you were trapped in.

Your room was destroyed, that part of the building having been hit by one of the Chitauri's spaceships. You weren't able to move in time and fell, leaving you dangling from a broken piece of wall that was about to break. You were hanging over one hundred feet in the air, legs dangling and arms screaming for help.

[Y/N's POV]

A man in a red, white, and blue suit came up to you and started talking calmly. "It's going to be okay. I'm going to get you out of here." You nodded as he walked to the edge where you were hanging. He held out his hand and you reached up. As soon as you let go your other hand slipped. Your heart was racing and in that moment your life flashed before your eyes. You squeezed your eyes shut and prepared for impact but the only thing you felt was a strong hand gripping your wrist and pulling you up.

The man pulled you into his arms and carried your shaking body down to the bottom floor. Your arms were held tight around his neck and you glanced up at your savior. He had blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. He was one of the most handsome mortals you had ever seen.

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