Safe House (Steve Rogers x Reader)

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It started with a mission in Russia. It was winter and a dreadful one at that. The snow was coming down heavily. It was halfway up your calves and every step required far too much effort. It was supposed to be a quiet mission. You weren't supposed to raise any alarm. You were just scouting. You were stationed on a hilltop with Steve and your job was to just observe for a few hours.

Binoculars in hand you surveyed the entrance to the compound.

"It looks like they have five or six of them at the gate. Two on posts right in front of the door and four on the ground. They're all carrying guns." You lowered your binoculars and pulled your mask back over your face.

"Hm... okay. Can you see past the walls at all?" He pointed at the iron fence that surrounded the compound. It was over twenty feet tall and impossible to climb.

You raised the binoculars back up and zoomed them in. You had to point them at just the right place to be able to even see the ground inside. It was crawling with guards and other personnel. If you were to break in there would be a hell of a fight.

"Swarming with guards from what I can tell. All with armour on and weapons in hand. Whatever their protecting must be pretty important." Every word you spoke was creating clouds in front of you from how cold the air was. The snow was biting at your face and as soon as you were done talking you pulled your ski mask back up. You and Steve both were bundled in snow gear and coats but the cold was penetrating them.

"Here, you should eat something." Steve held out a thermos and spoon and you took it. You unscrewed the lid and sat up. The whole front of your coat was packed with snow from lying on the ground and you batted it off with a gloved hand. You passed the binoculars to Steve so he could take a look himself.

You couldn't see your partner's face but you still knew exactly the expression he was making. His brows were knit together and his lips were pursed. After knowing him for so long you knew every expression he made. It wasn't just because you knew him for so long but because you loved him. Genuinely loved him. He was devoted to the team and to everything he did. He never, no matter what, gave up.

You had been partners for so long it was natural that you got close. He trusted you and you trusted him. There was a type of chemistry that made you work in perfect harmony. It was an unsaid understanding that had passed between you two. Steve was a gentleman though. He wouldn't make any passes at you. It was hard to tell whether or not he felt the same way towards you. At times it seemed that his behavior was simple comradery.

You sipped at the warm soup while Steve looked around.

"We'll be here for a few hours if we want to know their rotations. At the moment it doesn't seem like anything's going on," he explained. "In the meantime we should eat and double check the equipment."

You nodded and continued to finish off your food. Steve picked up his own thermos and pulled his mask down, revealing his face. He noticed your staring and smiled. "What? Is there something on my face?"

"No. No, you look fine." You looked away and smiled out of his view. You finished up your soup and pulled your face mask back on. You rifled through your backpack and checked over your equipment. Everything was still in working order so you packed it back up and leaned against it. Steve was an inhumanely quick eater and was already done with his food too.

He checked his bag and verified that his devices were working. For the next hour you both sat and took turns using the binoculars. Between viewings you would talk. Not about the mission but about random things.

"This wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't cold," you said.

"It reminds me of Bangladesh in a way."

"What?" you asked in astonishment. "It's freezing out here, Bangladesh was warm."

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