Little Rogers (Steve Rogers x Reader)

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Steve Rogers was a very dedicated man. He was a focused man. He rarely got distracted. So why was it that his mind seemed to be elsewhere lately? The group could be standing around having a conversation and someone could try to say something to Steve and he wouldn't even notice. If he wasn't needed for anything he was just gone. As soon as they returned from a mission he was in a rush to leave. Maybe Natasha was looking into things too much. She didn't think she was. She was usually right about most things. Something was going on and she wanted to find out what.

Natasha, Wanda, Vision, and Clint were lounging around in the Avengers Tower waiting for Tony, Steve, and Bruce to return. The three men had been in Russia for six days to speak with an ally of SHIELD. Nick had sent them. Well, not exactly. Bruce and Tony volunteered, but Nick really wanted Steve to go. Fury subtly convinced Cap to tag along with the two brainiacs by telling him how eager the ally was to meet him. And Cap was a people pleaser, so he went.

"Why didn't Thor have to be here again?" Clint asked. He was laid out on the white couch flipping through channels on the flat screen tv. He didn't think there was any reason for you four to wait on them to return. He arrived at the tower last, hoping he wouldn't need to wait long. Alas, he had been waiting for three hours already.

"Thor had business on Asgard," Vision answered. "He wasn't able to make it." Vision sat cross-legged on the opposite end of the couch with Wanda tucked into his side. They were reading a book together.

"Figures," Clint grumbled. He rolled his eyes and huffed. He sat there for a moment longer before he got up and started walking towards the elevator.

"Where are you going?" Natasha asked. She was just as bored of waiting and wanted to stretch her legs.

"Getting some coffee across the street. People watch maybe. You wanna come?"

So they left. The coffee shop across the street had a couple people in there, but it was quiet. Everyone was going about their business, not paying any mind to the superheroes in the room. Natasha and Clint stood in line waiting for their turn to order. They were going to order their drinks, sit around for a little bit until they got bored, order Wanda something to drink, then go back.

The person at the front of the line, a relatively pregnant woman, got her drink and turned to go sit down. She started taking a sip and only a few steps away from the counter a man bumped into her, resulting in her drink spilling all over her. The man backed away and gave her a grimace, "Watch where you're going."

Natasha scoffed and spoke up, "You bumped into her you douchebag."

"Like hell I did," the man retorted. "She should have been paying attention. Better yet, she shouldn't have left her house carrying that thing around." He pointed at her stomach with a disgusted look.

"You know what, I think you need to leave." Clint walked out from behind Natasha and stood in front of the man. While Clint got the man to leave, Nat went to help the woman.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

"Yes, thank you. He's probably right; I shouldn't have gone anywhere like this," she said, motioning to her large stomach. She frowned slightly but she didn't seem to be upset about the mess that was covering her shirt or the fact that the man was so rude to her. "I just wanted to get my favorite coffee."

"Your husband couldn't have gotten it for you?" Nat asked, incredulous. 'Men', she thought.

"Oh, he's um... at work," she said. She nodded and looked away.

"Well he should be with you and this bun," Natasha said.

Thirty minutes later, after helping the woman dry her shirt and getting free coffee in return, Nat and Clint were ready to go.

At seven o'clock at night Steve, Tony, and Bruce finally returned. The group had waited for ten hours and they were not happy. Especially Clint. They kept the debrief short and sweet so everyone could leave as quickly as possible. Steve in particular seemed to be in a rush and Natasha had taken notice. From the moment he stepped off the helicopter his brows were furrowed and his mouth was a straight line.

Natasha being Natasha, she had to know what exactly was causing Steve so much trouble. As soon as the meeting was over Cap told everyone goodnight and collected his bags. Natasha waited a few minutes before leaving too. She followed him from a good distance and waited as he went inside a Chinese restaurant and left with a large bag of takeout. She knew Steve had an appetite but god, that was a lot of food for one person.

She continued following him for several more blocks until he arrived in front of a basic apartment building. Natasha had seen Steve's apartment before and it wasn't here. He went in and so did she a good amount of time later. When she walked into the lobby she saw that the elevator was headed to floor 5. She waited a minute before she started walking up the stairs to that same floor. When she arrived she peeked her head around the corner and saw Steve going into one of the apartments. Her curiosity was at its max.

She knew that if she knocked on the door and Steve saw her standing there he would be alarmed. It would be pretty obvious that she followed him. Which she did. But was it warranted? Was his behavior enough that Natasha's decision wasn't strange? She didn't contemplate those things for very long before she was there, knocking on the door to apartment eight.

Y/n was sitting on her couch, about to eat Chinese food with her husband, Steve, when there was a knock on the door.

"I got it," she said. Y/n stood up slowly and went to the door while Steve protested, but she just waved him off. She turned the knob and opened the door, wondering who would be coming over at nine o'clock at night. Her mouth dropped open when she saw who was standing in the hall. Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow, Steve's coworker, and the woman that helped her at the coffee shop earlier that day. Natasha seemed to be equally as shocked, standing there saying nothing and just staring back at y/n.

"Honey, who is it?" Steve called.

"Um... come here," she answered. In a few moments there he was. His eyes widened when he saw who was standing there.

"Natasha?" Steve asked. "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here? This isn't your apartment."

Steve sighed, "I've got some explaining to do."

"It would appear so."

An hour, and all the Chinese takeout later, Natasha sat on the couch with her mouth wide open. "So you've kept this a secret this entire time? You had a girlfriend? You got married? You're about to be A DAD?!? This is crazy." She shook her head in amazement. "Why didn't you tell us? We could have helped you out?" Natasha asked.

"I didn't want y/n or the baby to get hurt. I was protecting them." Steve squeezed y/n's hand and looked at her with a warm smile.

A few days after Natasha found out about Steve's secret life he broke the news to the rest of the Avengers too. The response was as good as he could have asked for; they were all ecstatic and happy for Cap and y/n. Less than two months later a beautiful baby boy was born, and it had an entire group of aunts and uncles that couldn't wait to see him and hold him.

Author's Note

This was requested on my AO3! Just a cute, fluffy Steve fic again. My requests are open!

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