A Red Carpet Event (Bruce Banner x Reader)

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Your boyfriend was a doctor, scientist, Avenger, and the Hulk. He wasn't always those things. When you had met him, he was just a fellow doctor and scientist. The years that you spent working together made your partnership turn into friendship, and the friendship turn into a romance. It took a while though. Bruce was timid and shy, but you were the opposite. You were bold and outgoing, which complimented your boyfriend well.

While most would never guess that you two would work, your relationship was quite harmonious. Of course there were challenges, especially when Bruce turned into the Hulk and went on the run, then ended up joining a group of superheroes. Even though he struggled with that new aspect of himself at first, he ended up gaining some confidence from his green counterpart.

No matter what Bruce would go through, you would be by his side, and he wouldn't want it any other way. Wherever he was, you weren't far away. You aided in any and all ways that you could, even if it was just calming Bruce down and helping him transition back to himself again. Because of your line of work, you could also give your input on anything science related when it came to Avengers missions.

Being the boyfriend of an Avenger wasn't all missions though.

Your limo rolled right up to the red carpet for the annual science gala, which celebrated all technological and scientific advances that happened in the past year. The Avengers, along with you and Pepper, were invited. Even though red carpets and flashy events weren't exactly Bruce's scene, they were right up your alley. According to your boyfriend you were born for the spotlight. He could recall years ago how confident you were every time you were presenting new ideas at conferences. Bruce admitted that he always admired how you glowed at times like those.

"Ready?" you asked. You looked at your boyfriend, who had been holding your hand the entire ride to the venue. He would always get nervous right before it was time to walk out, which you thought was cute.

He took a deep breath, "I think so." He gave your hand a squeeze and opened the door. He held his hand out for you to take, which you gladly did. As soon as you stepped out your vision was blinded with flashes from cameras. They didn't faze you anymore though.

You and Bruce walked forward with your heads held high and smiles on your faces. You felt good, and knew you both looked good. Bruce was dressed in a tailored black suit with a forest green tie, which you thought he looked amazing in. Not to mention it matched his personality. Your suit was the same forest green as his tie, but your suit was much more dazzling. It was embellished with gold stitching starting from the shoulders and creating a subtle flower pattern downwards. Even though it wasn't your job to look good, you made sure that every outfit you wore to an event made a statement.

After posing for the cameras together you walked further down to talk to interviewers. The first that caught your attention was a young woman with a bright smile.

"And here is Bruce Banner and his husband Y/N Banner," the reporter said. You raised your eyebrows and smirked at her calling you Bruce's husband. It made your heart flutter, and you wouldn't mind being called that on the daily. Bruce however, was caught off guard and flabbergasted. His face turned red and he sputtered.

"I think you've flustered my husband here," you said, chuckling.

"Did I say something wrong?" she asked. She must have been new because she immediately seemed to start panicking

"Not exactly. I'm sad to inform you that Bruce and I aren't married yet though."

"Oh," she said, relieved. She recovered quickly though and asked her next question. "Are there wedding bells in the future?"

You looked over at Bruce, who had taken the time to collect himself. "I- I would think so. I hope so."

"Ooo," she responded. "Y/N what do you think?"

"I would love to marry Bruce whenever the time comes of course."

"Aww. You two are so amazing together. I know the whole world will be watching when you guys get married. I assume the wedding would be beautiful since you two always show up and show out."

"Thank you," Bruce said.

You and Bruce continued down the line and talked to everyone you could before finally escaping to your seats inside. Being with an Avenger, your seats were right near the stage.

Bruce's shoulders dropped once he relaxed into his seat. His social meter had been drained.

"How are you holding up?" you asked. You reached for his hand under the table and rubbed it.

"I'm okay. A little frazzled though. I wasn't expecting that. Not that it bothered me or anything, it was just unexpected."

You chuckled. "I understand what you mean."

"I guess... I guess we haven't really talked about marriage."

"It never really came up. Our time together has been a whirlwind," you said.

"I know, and I'm sorry."

"Bruce," you said softly, "I wouldn't change it for the world. I'm just glad we're together."

"Y/N..." His eyes got shiny and you thought he was about to cry but no tears came. He sniffed once and then took both of your hands in his. "I love you and I want to marry you."

"I want to marry you too," you smiled. Bruce being so straightforward was rare but you cherished every single time he said sweet things like that. Looking at him you saw your entire world. You saw the man you would risk everything for. You saw the man-

"What is going on over here?" Tony said. He strutted up to your table, ending the precious moment you two were having. "Lovers," he sighed, and rolled his eyes. Pepper lightly smacked his arm and shook her head. "Sorry," she mouthed.

"It's alright," you mouthed back.

Following in right behind Tony and Pepper was the rest of the gang. They all took their seats and just moments later the lights dimmed and the showcase began. You glanced over at Bruce, who was softly smiling at you. You were perfectly content with your life.

Author's Note

This was requested on my AO3 almost a year ago. I'm taking requests but if you guys don't mind, I don't really want to write smut at the moment, but if you don't care to wait a little bit feel free to go ahead and request something in the comments, on my Tumblr, or my AO3!

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