*Wonderful Tonight (Peter Quill x Reader)*

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For the time being you were on Earth with your boyfriend. His ship needed repairs and you happened to be close to Earth. You alerted Tony that you were coming and he offered to help fix it. In the meantime you were staying at his tower. You and Quill weren't Avengers but after the whole thing with Thanos and the Infinity Stones you were all connected in a way.

Something you didn't know about Tony was how often he threw parties. It was the one year anniversary of defeating Thanos and he wanted to have a whole bash. He invited everyone that fought in the war and the turnout was pretty good. Out of the Guardians you and Quill were the only ones to show. After Thanos was defeated the Guardians had their own stuff to take care of. Gamora and Nebula had catching up to do and Groot and Rocket wanted some peace, Drax and Mantis following them.

You eight hung out occasionally on random planets to catch up and even sometimes team up. But at the moment you were separated and it was just you and Quill. The party lasted for hours, starting at five and ending at one in the morning. Your feet were killing you by the end of it and your shoes had to come off. Peter being the loving boyfriend he is, carried you to your temporary bedroom.

Your eyes were getting droopy and you were all around tired. For the first ever party you'd been to on Earth it was pretty crazy.

You slid out of Peter's arms and onto the couch. Just as your eyes were closing you heard music start to play. A smile spread on your face at the familiar tune. It was one of your all time favorites, Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton. You lifted your head and looked over at your boyfriend.

He was swaying to the beat and softly singing along with the lyrics. "You look wonderful tonight."

He danced over to you and held out his hand. "Dance with me?"

"Of course."

You took his hand and let him pull you off the couch. His arms circled your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck. He knew you couldn't resist a nice slow dance. It was a common thing for him to randomly turn on music and start dancing. You fell into that same habit because of how fun it was.

Even though you had danced for hours at the party there was something about slow dancing alone that made your heart skip a beat.

Quill's chest was nice and soft against your cheek. His strong arms were wrapped around you, engulfing you in warmth. He was like a soft teddy bear in all aspects. You closed your eyes and listened to his heartbeat while you swayed with him. You'd never fallen asleep standing but you definitely could have then.

You hummed along the lyrics of the song with Peter. This was one of your favorites to dance to and you both knew every word by heart. The soft beat and calming aura of the song always helped you wind down and relax. The song was on repeat, and after one whole playthrough of it, it started again.

"I love you," Quill whispered.

"I love you more."

"No, I love you more." You couldn't see him but you could tell he was smiling. This also happened often and the argument would never be settled on who loved who more.

"Agree to disagree," you countered.

"I don't think I can." You felt his chin lift from on top of your head so you pulled your head back too. Peter was softly smiling down at you. He kissed your forehead once, then ten more times. He kissed between your brows, your closed eyelids, your nose, and your cheeks.

"I think I just need to show you how much I love you."

"How is that?" you mumbled.

He didn't answer and instead picked you up. You weren't expecting that and yelped, making him chuckle.

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