Dance Battle (Loki x Reader)

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It was a normal day at the Avengers tower. The greatest super heroes were shaking their asses to early 2000's music in the living room. Completely, totally, utterly normal.

It was all fun and games at first but now it was a full blown dancing competition. At the moment it was down to you, Thor, and Tony. Steve had given up when he heard the music selection, Clint straight up couldn't dance, the same went for Bruce, and Natasha wasn't about to start twerking.

However you, Thor, and Tony weren't against it. Everyone knew Tony had moves but no one was prepared to see Thor throwing it back, especially Loki, who happened to walk in at the moment it was yours and Thor's turn.

Thor had his hands on his knees and he was rolling and popping his butt. The whole squad was laughing but you didn't come to play. You expertly started twerking, something none of your teammates had seen ever before.

As soon as Loki saw what was going on his mouth dropped, "Y/N! What- Whatever are you doing?"

He didn't ask because he was mad, he asked because he genuinely didn't know. He had never seen you dance like that but now that he had, he really didn't mind it. Actually, he was quite enjoying it. He could imagine you rolling and grinding your plump ass on him.

The moment was ruined when he saw his brother doing the same moves. You completely stopped what you were doing and doubled over in laughter. "Poor Loki," you thought.

Loki had to take a moment to erase that vision from his memory but after that he was ready to get in on the action. You explained to him that you were having a dancing competition and he decided to join.

He wasn't half bad but everyone could agree you were the best dancer. Loki ended the night proud. Proud of his girlfriend, the expert dancer.

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