You Can Set My Heart on Fire (Bucky Barnes x Reader)

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-the Avengers know you have powers but don't know the full extent. other than Tony who recruited you after reading a file on you from SHIELD
-you got in some trouble after having a meltdown (literally) and had to go into rehabilitation for a while before you got recruited.
-you were a teen whenever the meltdown happened, and you didn't get much contact with other people so you're living your life to the fullest now. even though you're 26 when you join the Avengers you're still pretty lively and fiery (also literally)
-when you joined the Avengers you were introduced to everyone, including Bucky, who was VERY quiet at first
-you saw his shyness as a challenge and for two years (yes two years, he was a tough nut to crack) you made it your job to get him to open up
-it worked, and in the process you guys became best friends
-Steve thinks you influenced him a little too much because you're both kind of reckless and do dumb things sometimes
-don't let alcohol anywhere near you two
-the first time you two made out it was because you were drunk
-that wasn't the reason the second, third, fourth... you get it.
-what you two had going on was very convenient. you came and went as you pleased and didn't have many strings attached. you were still besties, but whenever you wanted someone to spend the night with you could go to each other
-you found Bucky extremely attractive, and he also found you very attractive. you were also the only person that was dead set on getting him to become your friend instead of judging him for his past actions.
-missions with the whole squad were very fun. you and Buck tag teamed and dicked around (but still got work done of course)
-the first time you used the full extent of your powers was three years into you becoming an Avenger
-normally you wouldn't need to use the full extent. you didn't want to use the full extent because you knew it wouldn't be pretty
but that particular mission was difficult. you were exhausted and had been fighting for what felt like forever.
-you were already burning up and your skin was starting to blister.
-unfortunately for the monster running towards you, you were aggravated. in less than a second you heated your arms up as much as you possibly could and grabbed the monster, burning through its flesh and gripping its heart. you ripped the monster in half and threw the burning heart at the next approaching creature.
-you weren't aware that a couple of the Avengers were looking your way, but when you heard a "Ho-ly shit" from Bucky you turned around and saw everyone staring at you in awe
-"What?" you asked, out of breath
-"Didn't know you could do that," Clint said. "That's cool- wait are you supposed to be on fire?"
-you looked down at your arms and lo and behold, they were aflame
-you waved your arms around and swatted at your skin, which seared from the developing third degree burns
-Bucky ran to help you, and together you put the fire out.
-"This doesn't look too good doll," he said.
-"I'm alright," you smiled
-"Y/N," Bucky said, looking at you with a no bullshit face
-"Okay maybe it hurts a little," you confessed. you were trying to brush it off so Bucky wouldn't worry. but it did hurt pretty bad.
-"Uhuh. We'll take care of this when we get home."
-the rest of the Avengers finished off the rest of the creatures while you took it easy (curtesy of Buck)
-when you got home Bucky took you straight to his room.
-"Wait here, I'll be right back sweetheart."
-"Fiiiine," you grumbled.
-a few minutes later he returned with bandages, an IV (who let him have that? you thought), and multiple ointments
-he sat beside you on his bed and applied the creams to your forearms.
-you winced
-"Sorry," he whispered.
-"It's okay. Thank you for helping me Buck," you said.
-"Anytime doll. I don't like seeing you hurt." he looked up at you, taking his attention away from your arm
-he looked at you so tenderly you couldn't help but kiss him. he immediately reciprocated, cupping your cheeks
-without thinking you put your hand on the bed but regretted it almost instantly. you cursed
-"You better take it easy on that arm," he teased.

Author's Note

This was requested on my Tumblr! My requests are open~~~

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