*Lazy Days (Zemo x Bucky x Sam x Reader)*

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Request: could you do a Sam x Bucky x Zemo fic? I don't have anything specific for it but it can be fluff or smut or even both


-There was nothing else like spending lazy days with your favorite boys: Sam, Zemo, and Bucky.

-In between missions they loved to be with you and just relax. They all felt at ease with you and only you.

-One of their favorite things was cuddling with you on the couch. They were too impatient to take turns so you had come up with a solution.

-The couch was L-shaped, and Zemo would sit in the corner with his legs stretched out in front of him. You would sit next to him, tucked into his side with a protective arm around you. Bucky would lay down to your left with his head in your lap. He loved how you would play with his hair and lightly stroke his face when you all cuddled. Lastly, Sam would sit on the floor at the corner of the couch, right where he could set his head on your thighs.

-This arrangement happened often and almost every time you would fall asleep amongst them. They didn't mind it at all; they loved seeing your peaceful face and hearing your random mumblings.

-Bucky and Zemo were very uncultured when it came to movies, so you and Sam would introduce them to all your favorites. Those nights were full of popcorn, Cokes, and candies. They were also some of the rare times you would see the three boys cry. They could fight and shoot people all day long and be somewhat fine, but if a dog dies they're done for.

-Cooking was another fun activity you four could do together. Sam would show you how to cook some of his mother's favorite foods from Louisiana, and Zemo would teach you how to cook food native to Sokovia. Despite him coming from royalty, he could cook fairly well.

-Each boy loves to steal you away for themselves sometimes.

-Zemo does it most frequently. Every time he sees an opportunity he'll try to get you into his room for the night or convince you to go out to eat with him or let him take you on a date. Zemo was very persuasive and charming, so you never said no. He pampered you every second you were with him, calling you a wide range of names, like "his queen." He loved giving you things that he thought were nice or reminded him of you. You had rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets for every day of the week, plus some. You didn't know how Bucky and Sam got Zemo to agree to share you. You could tell just how much he wanted you all to himself. He called you his even though you really weren't. But he must have known this was the only way you would have agreed to be with him. You told them you weren't going to choose between the three of them so they made it to where you didn't have to.

-Bucky just wanted comfort. He wasn't a selfish person, but whenever he was having trouble sleeping he would ask for your touch. He was so extremely gentle with you, and treated you like a porcelain doll. You would hold him and kiss him all night until he eventually drifted off. Outside of when he was trying to go to sleep he was always keeping a quiet eye on you. He had opened up significantly since you met him, but he still had times when he wouldn't talk much. At other times he could be cocky, pulling you in by the waist and burying his face in your neck or calling you names like "doll" or "sweetheart" in a casual conversation or around other people.

-Sam was kind, and down to Earth. He was funny and caring, and a family man. When you spent the night in his room you would stay up all night talking and tracing patterns on his skin with your fingertips. You could talk to him for hours upon hours and never get bored. You could also say the same for Bucky and Zemo, but they weren't quite as talkative and open. Sam's favorite thing to do was take you places. He loved taking you on dates and experiencing things local to wherever you were at the time. Sam was also a dancer. If music came on you better believe that he was dragging you onto the dance floor. He could spin you around and dip you until the end of time. When you danced the air became electric. Bucky was kind of jealous of the way you two looked at each other when you were dancing.


-Some time after the three of them decided to share you and not make you choose between them, the idea of a foursome was brought up. They were hesitant at first. Yes, you had had sex with each of them before, but it wasn't exactly the same as them all sharing you in one moment.

-They brought up the idea with you and asked for your opinion. You agreed to try it out.

-It was one of the best decisions you'd ever made.

-Trying to please you was each of their goals, and it became somewhat of a friendly competition.

-They were gentle at first, pampering and praising you until it got rough. You would be left with hickeys and bite marks all over your body, many from Bucky.

-Zemo would always try to take charge and be the one inside you firstly and lastly. He loved seeing you unravel before him, succumbing to his cock.

-Sam was all about the mouth and hand action. Your face was his favorite thing to cum on after you had worked him up so much. His hands were on every free spot on your body at all times.

-Bucky would work you up first before any dick was put inside you. He knew you loved his metal hand, so he put it to good use. Every sound imaginable would fall from your lips because of him. When someone else was occupying your pussy he was massaging your thighs and boobs, or nibbling and sucking on the plush skin.

-Aftercare was absolute bliss with them. They would hurry to get you something to drink or a snack if you wanted, and would kiss you softly and whisper sweet words to you.

-"You did so good my queen," Zemo would tell you, stroking your hair.

-"You treat us so well, doll," Bucky would say, smiling gently at you.

-"Mhm," Sam would agree. "You're our special girl."

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