Interrupting Online Classes (Chris Evans x Reader)

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The pandemic had changed a lot of things in everyone's lives, especially yours. Being an elementary school teacher was no easy task but also now having to do your classes online it added a new set of challenges. Microphones being turned on by accident, being kicked out of meetings for no inherent reason, the internet being choppy: all things that you dealt with on the daily. No matter how difficult it was at times you wouldn't change your job for the world. You loved the kids and getting to talk to them all the time.

It was a wonder that a simple school teacher like you could possibly be dating Chris Evans, but you were. Your romance didn't start like one in fanfictions, a huge celebrity seeing you in the crowd and deciding then and there that you had to be together. No. You and Chris were childhood friends and had grown up together in Massachusetts, two peas in a pod. You supported his acting career and he supported your dream of becoming a teacher. Low and behold, you both got what you wanted.

None of your students knew about Chris for many, many reasons. Most kids knew who Captain America was and if your students knew that you were living with 'America's Ass' (something that fans called him), they would go ballistic. So when you were having an online class you made sure that Chris was aware and steered clear of the camera.

Sometimes to tease you he would walk into whatever room you were having classes in and start dancing, which was his best effort to get a smile and laugh, but also distract you. The kids would sometimes ask what you were looking at, but you would have to tell a little white lie and say that it was your dog playing with a toy.

The school year was nearly over, and all the students were ready for summer. You weren't giving your kids too much work to do and on the Zoom calls you were mainly just talking to them about their plans for the next two months.

Everyone was so absorbed in listening to all the stories that you didn't even realize your last class had gone over the regular time. It was nearly four o'clock and normally you would just be working on lessons, so Chris didn't think anything of strolling behind you and wrapping his arms around your shoulders.

"Hey honey," your boyfriend said.

It only took a few seconds for your students to process who was standing behind their teacher. "IS THAT CAPTAIN AMERICA?!?" one of them shrieked. "OH MY GOSH IT IS!" another one said.

You turned around and looked at Chris who could only give the kids a bashful smile and wave. "Hi guys."

"HI!" they all responded with enthusiasm. They were more excited about seeing Chris than they were when they saw your dog for the first time. The kids were so adorable you didn't even bother to tell 'Captain America' to get out of the camera. More than one student had told their parents about the celebrity that had appeared on their Zoom call, and you could see them taking their phones out and recording.

"Are you married to Captain America, Ms. Y/N?" a young girl asked.

You didn't even get the chance to answer when Chris chimed in with, "Not yet, but someday." He kissed the top of your head, leaving you speechless.

"OOOOO," the students said.

"Okay guys I think it's time for Captain America to go fight some bad guys."

"Aww," they pouted.

"You'll see me again, don't worry," Chris said before giving them a big smile and waving goodbye. He took three steps away to be just out of the camera's view and looked at you and mouthed "sorry." You shook your head and mouthed, "it's okay."

"It seems like Captain America needs my help! I gotta go but I will see you all tomorrow!" you said to your students.

"Bye Ms. Y/N!"

You ended the Zoom call and shut your computer. When you turned to Chris he was bashfully standing just a few feet to your left. "You are sooo done."

"They're never going to let me live that down, are they?" you asked.

"Nope. Those kiddos are going to ask you a million questions. Be glad you aren't teaching much because they aren't going to be paying any attention to school work."

"I would just tell them that Captain America said they had to get their work done if they wanted to see him again," you said.

"Isn't that blackmail?" Chris laughed.


Author's Note

Soooo I'm getting back into the groove of writing again... this was requested on my Tumblr a couple months ago and I'm just now getting around to all the requests I have sitting around. You guys can also make requests too!

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