Pregnant on the Subway (Steve Rogers x Reader)

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You were pregnant and living in Brooklyn with your husband. You were too pregnant to ride on the back of Steve's motorcycle and too tired to walk. The subway was the next best thing when you needed to go across town.

You swiped your card and went through to wait for the train. Steve was by your side carrying your purse.

"Are you feeling okay?" he asked worriedly.

"Yeah, just a little bit out of breath."

"I'm sorry honey." He leaned over and kissed your cheek and then leaned down to kiss your stomach through your shirt. A smile appeared on your face. You were so excited to have this baby. You knew that Steve would be an amazing father. He was just as excited, if not more excited, than you to have his little man out.

When you were shopping for baby clothes Steve bought all the onesies that had phrases on them like, "Daddy's little man," or "Daddy's helper." You passed by a store one day that sold superhero merchandise and he picked up a onesie that had Captain America, or him, on it. It melted your heart that Steve was so enthusiastic about your baby boy.

The train finally came and you were so slow you and Steve were the last to board. You looked around and there were no empty seats. That's what you get when you live in New York. You sighed but didn't think much of it. You held onto the bar in the middle but Steve was looking around with furrowed brows.

"What is it?" you asked.

He stuck his hand out and motioned to the filled train car. "You're pregnant and no one is getting up or letting you sit down." He said it like it was blasphemy. Unfortunately it was pretty common for people to let pregnant women stand up.

"I would be surprised if anyone gave up their seat Steve," you confessed.

His mouth came open and his eyebrows raised. He was genuinely surprised. Steve was old fashioned. He was over one hundred years old. When he was living in the twenties it was just common decency to let a pregnant woman or old lady have your spot.

He let out an exasperated sigh and rubbed his hand across his face. Steve had adjusted to the new times really well, but there were still small things that would baffle him.

There was a young man in the seat closest to where you were standing and he happened to hear your conversation. He also noticed that the man you were with was Captain America himself. "Excuse me miss, you can have my seat."

You smiled at the man and waved him off. "No, that's okay. You go ahead. I'll be fine."

"I insist. It's not fair that you should have to stand while everyone else gets to sit down. Please, take it."

"Oh, well thank you."

He got up and scooted out of the way so you could sit down. Steve also thanked the kid and shuffled closer to where you were now sitting.

"Well he was a gentleman," Steve said. You laughed quietly and patted Steve's arm.

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