*Seven Minutes In Heaven (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)*

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Maybe you didn't grow up like a normal teen, or maybe you were just shy, either way you had never played the game 'Seven Minutes In Heaven.' You knew what it was but you'd never played it. And how strange it was that the first time you would be at a party hosted by Tony Stark. You'd think that super heroes between the ages of twenty and one thousand five hundred years old wouldn't play that kind of game. But at that point you couldn't put anything past your makeshift family.

Everyone other than you, Clint, Bruce, Tasha, Tony, Steve, Thor, Wanda, and Pietro had left already. You couldn't blame them. It was four in the morning and the music was on full blast all night. Most of the guests would be going home with headaches and waking up with them too.

Most of the group was drinking. Everyone other than Steve, who couldn't feel the side effects of alcohol. So if you really thought about Steve was going to be the only one with a sound mind. You and Wanda both had a drink or two, but not enough to be drunk, just a little tipsy. The most drunk was Thor, which didn't surprise you in the slightest.

Natasha finished off her beer, the last resort when it came to drinking in her opinion, and set it down on the circular table you were all seated around.

"Let's play a game," she suggested, wiping her mouth with her sleeve.

"What'd you have in mind?" Thor asked.

"How about," she smirked, looking at you and Wanda, "seven minutes in heaven?" She shot you a wink, knowing how bad you had it for Wanda. If that was her idea of a way to get you to confess, maybe she was on the right track. The liquid confidence flowing through you was more than you normally had and what other time would you have the guts to say something?

"What is that?" Thor asked. "Are we supposed to take turns killing someone and then bringing them back to life after seven minutes?"

You threw your head back and laughed, and Thor grinned too even though he didn't know what was so funny.

"No, it's where you take turns picking two people to go into a closet or room or whatever and set a timer for seven minutes and you can't let them out until the time is up. And usually what they're supposed to do is kiss and makeout and such." Natasha explained it so well that you questioned how many times she had played the game.

"Ah, I see. Well let's get on with it!" Thor shouted.

Tony was slouched down in the seat next to him and swatted at his arm. "Keep it down would ya? I'll play the game as long as no one's too loud. My head is already throbbing."

Clint chuckled, "Are you sure all that alcohol is good for your... machine there?"

Tony rolled his head over to look at Clint with a glare. "My machine is perfectly fine, thank you."

"Whatever you say."

"Would you grandpas quit it? We're trying to play a game," Wanda huffed.

"Yeah, yeah, just start already." Tony tossed his hand up in the air and waved you guys on without much effort, making his wrist look like jelly.

"Okay, Tony since you have so much to say, why don't you go first?" Natasha asked.

"I think I will." He sat up and looked around surveying the group. He did that for a good two minutes before he finally said anything. "I choose... Natasha and Steve."

Steve, who had been silent that whole time, looked over at Natasha, who wiggled her eyebrows and started to get up. Steve followed and you noticed how he had a little pep in his step. From what you could tell three out of the five original male Avengers had a crush on Nat. You couldn't blame them, she was gorgeous.

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