Open Your Eyes (Loki x Reader)

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When you join the Avengers, you don't think of all the nightmares that come with it. They're vivid, and for you, sometimes they can even be real. Your powers were very useful but had side effects. With your mind you could put someone through so much mental strain it would kill them, and depending on the scenarios you put others through, you yourself could also go through them.

Sleep was oftentimes your greatest foe. During the day you were perfectly fine and at peak performance, but when night came and you started dozing off, that's when the real battles began. You had to face horrific monsters and heart wrenching scenes in almost every dream you had. It was the price you had to pay for the powers you wanted. You knew when you made the deal that you had to give up something in return. You just didn't know that that thing would be sleep.

Your heart pounded in your chest, adrenaline and fear the only things keeping your legs moving. There was no time to take a peek behind you. The noises alone were enough to let you know that you hadn't made much headway. It was so, so incredibly fast. It was going to catch up with you. You couldn't outrun it. A left, a right, another left, weaving through tall sandy buildings. If you could just confuse it-


It slams into you, pinning you to the ground. Sand, sweat, and blood mixes on your face. Its claws dig into your back, and you can hear it breathing, slobber dripping onto the back of your ear. It growls and shifts its weight and in just a second your vision goes black.

You jolt up and suck in as much air as you can, filling your lungs with the breath you thought you had lost. Hands graze your arms, and you jerk away from them. Words. Someone is speaking but you can't understand what they're saying. You won't open your eyes.

The pressure in your chest fades and your ears clear. "Y/N, Y/N please look at me. It's alright."

You still and let the hands that were reaching for you engulf your body. "Y/N open your eyes. It's okay. No one is going to harm you. I'm right here." Loki's voice. Your savior. Your safe place. You open your eyes and look at him, the soft and angelic man lying in your bed.

"Thank you," he whispers. He pulls you against his chest and rubs your back. Your cheek sticks to him. You must have been sweating. In your head you thank whoever it is that graced you with such an amazing partner, one that comforts you when you have nightmares and doesn't care if your hair is sticking to your forehead from sweating so much.

"Loki," you croak.

"Yes, darling?"

"I love you."

"I love you too," he answers.

Author's Note

This was requested on my AO3 almost a year ago T-T. I know it's short but soon my works will get back to around 2,000 words (which is usually my goal for most). My requests are open but do note that I don't really want to write smut just yet, but I will eventually so if you want to request smut and are okay with waiting then please go ahead! Love you guys~~~

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