*4th of July (DILF!Steve Rogers x Reader)*

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This is a headcanon :)

-will definitely grill in the backyard and invite the whole neighborhood and their kids

-you help him set up, get out the condiments, a cooler full of drinks, one of those folding tables, chips, the whole shebang

-he grills while you chat with all the neighbors

-he's not too touchy in front of the children might wrap an arm around you or kiss your cheek

-he'll sit next to you on the patio while he's drinking and talking

-sling an arm over your shoulder

-glance at you and smile while other people or you are talking

-because you just look so good in the summer sun that goes on for a few hours and you pull out sparklers and smaller fireworks for the kids

-Steve is setting off fireworks in the driveway and throwing bang snaps with the kids

-then you go down to the beach to swim until the firework show

-you're all still drinking

-not too much though because there's kids to be watched

-Steve's in his swimming trunks and you're in your bikini

-he's got a beer in one hand and he's carrying you in his other arm

-he would totally push you into the water just so you would jump on him

-you're on his shoulders playing chicken with the other couples

-he's gripping your thighs and 😫

-he's playing with the kids, shooting them with water guns and playing Marco Polo with them because he's great with kids

-once it's time for the fireworks you dry off and get onto the sand

-Steve leaves his kid with a neighbor and their kids at the beach area

-while you two get on Steve's boat

-because DILF!Steve has a boat

-he just does

-not one of those small fishing boats either

-maybe a pontoon boat because it has space and couch or two 👀

-it's dark, you're on the lake, and the fireworks are going off

-the boat is in neutral and your sitting side by side on the couch part of the boat

-Steve's rubbing the inside of your thigh and he's getting closer and closer to your pussy

-he's making you hot and bothered and he knows it too

-after a minute of that you've had enough

-you push his hand aside and climb into his lap

-immediately he's grabbing your ass and kissing you

-because the fireworks are so loud and no one can see you two he's just like

-fuck it

-and he picks you up and lays you on the couch

-he's on top of you, kissing your torso, between your breasts and your lower stomach area leaving hickeys

-you're whining and he's looking up at you smirking

-eventually he quits teasing you and pulls your bikini bottom down and gets TO IT

-he doesn't even try to be quiet

-he's making sure you're loud even if you want to play it safe

-he's RAMMING into you, hands at either side of your head

-when you've both had your orgasm he'll lay beside you

-pull you into his arms

-and finish watching the fireworks

-he's left bruises on your stomach so you wrap a towel around you

-he'll tug on it a little when you meet up with the other parents

-but when you get home that night he's going to leave even more 😉

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