Father Figure (Platonic!Steve Rogers x Reader)

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You strolled over to Bucky and Natasha, glaring at Steve through the corner of your eye.

"What's that look for?" Natasha asked.

"Not now," you said in Russian. "Just talk to me."

"In Russian?" Bucky raised an eyebrow at you.


"And why are we speaking Russian?" Nat asked.

"I need to make it seem like I'm trash talking Steve." You continued to glare at the Captain, who was stealing glances at you while he talked to Banner.

"Not this again," Bucky sighed. He was of course going to be on Steve's side about everything. "You can't just ignore him every single time he scolds you."

"I- ugh. I know," you said, switching back to English.

"Y/n he just wants you to succeed. He took you in as his student and wants to teach you." Natasha was right. Steve was just trying to help you. You were one of the youngest super soldiers that had been created and you were lucky to be rescued by the Avengers.

"Listen kid, don't be so hard on him. He's doing his best." Bucky patted you on the shoulder and gave you an expectant look. You groaned but turned to go talk to Steve.

As soon as you had turned in his direction his eyes were on you. Bruce followed his line of sight and also saw you coming over, told Steve a quick goodbye and let you two be.

"Y/l/n," the Captain said. He crossed his arms and waited for you to say something.

"Look I'm- I'm sorry I keep causing trouble."

He sighed, "It's alright. I'm sorry I was so harsh on you. But you know I wish you focused more and weren't always trying to goof off when we're training. You have so much potential y/n, and I want to see it go to good use."

"I know, I know. I'll try harder," you conceded.

And that you did. Years later you would be grateful for how much hope Steve had in you, and his unrelenting will to make you the best you could be, not only combat-wise, but better as a person too. He was your role model, and after years of being under his wing, you started to think of him as a father figure. You never planned on telling him that, too embarrassed to admit it.

The world had other plans though. The final battle with Thanos ended with multiple casualties, leaving the Avengers, and the rest of the world grieving. You were never much of a religious person but you prayed to God before that fight that Steve would make it out.

You stood beside Bucky, watching as Steve stepped onto the machine that would take him through time to return the Infinity Stones.

"Ready to go," Steve said.

"Alright." Banner pressed some buttons and after a countdown, Steve disappeared. You waited for a few seconds, looking at Bucky and Sam.

"Where is he?" Bucky asked.

"I- I don't-" then you saw someone. You walked a few yards over to a bench where there was a man sitting. "Steve...?"

"Hello y/n," he said. It was indeed Steve, just much older. His large muscles were gone, his skin hung and creased, and his hair was grey. He patted the spot next to him on the bench.

"What happened?" you asked, worried that the machine had malfunctioned. If it did, he didn't seem too mad about it. In fact, he seemed happy.

"You see, I owed someone a dance," he said, smiling fondly as he looked at nothing in particular.

"Peggy?" you asked. You had heard of her; Steve's lost love from years ago.

He nodded. A few seconds later he reached down to a brown circular bag. "I have something for you."

"Steve..." you said, trailing off when you realized what it was. It was his shield in pristine condition.

"I want you to have this. I think you're ready." He looked at you, old grey eyes crinkling at the corners and a wide smile on his face.

"I- I couldn't possibly-" you stuttered. Steve was asking you to become the next Captain America. You had been training beneath him for years and doing missions with the Avengers but you couldn't take his place.

"Y/n yes you can. I want you to. You are ready. There will be people that oppose this but I'll help you for as long as I can before I'm gone."

Your nose burned and your eyes watered. When he's gone, you thought. Your bottom lip quivered a little bit. The only father figure that you ever really had, and he was talking about dying. He was old now. He went back and lived the life he always wanted. You couldn't fault him for that. He of all people deserved it.

His eyes were shiny as he opened his arms, welcoming you. "C'mon kid."

You hugged him, breathing in the familiar scent of Captain America. He rubbed your back, "You got this."

A few months went by and you kept constant contact with Steve, spending as much time with him as possible. A few days before he died you were sitting in his home eating lunch.

"I told Peggy about you," he said.


"Mhm. We never had kids of our own so I told her about you. I know you aren't biologically my kid but-"

You cut him off, "Steve I always thought of you as a father figure to me. I never had one growing up and then you found me and mentored me for eight years of my life. You're always there for me... scolding me."

"Hey now, sometimes you need it," he chuckled.

"I know, I know."

"You've grown up to be a great person y/n. I know you'll do terrific things for the world."

"I promise I will."

That was the last meaningful conversation you had with Steve. Steve had left an impression on you that would last a lifetime. He had left an impression on the entire world.

Author's Note

This was requested on my Tumblr! I still have a lot of requests to do so if you've requested something please just be patient T-T I'm also writing for Harry Potter and Stranger Things so I'm trying to not do too much of one thing!

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