Undeniable Feelings (Sam Wilson x Reader)

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Your phone buzzes in your pocket. You pull it out to see a text from Sam.

"I gotta ask you something. I'll come by later."

You reply with a thumbs up emoji and put your phone away.

Huh, what did he want to ask you? You couldn't imagine he would have time in his schedule to even talk to you now that he was Captain America. He sighed reminiscing on how far you both had come. You started out as some kids in the Air Force and now you were working undercover and Sam was Captain America.

It felt like just yesterday when you and Sam decided to enlist. You were basically kids back then. It was astonishing you managed to stay friends through it all.

You were proud of Sam. He deserves recognition for all his hard work. You had read multiple articles on how people felt about a black Captain America and it was mostly positive, which was relieving.

Your mind returned to the task you were supposed to do. You briskly moved past the pedestrians of New York and went into a small bar, rumored to be running an underground black market.

You got there just on time and waited in the corner as the first suspect rolled in. You approached the bar as the man walked in. He went to the end of the counter and you got as close as you could without being suspicious. The bartender came over and you ordered a beer, which you didn't intend to drink.

The man next to you spoke to the bartender in a hushed voice, whispering things you could just barely pick up. You recited the words in your head as the suspect left the bar. You lingered for a few more minutes to receive your beer, which you gave to a woman that was a few seats down.

The sidewalk was packed as usual and you were shoved a few times on the way to your apartment. You shoved your key into the lock and opened the door to your average home. It wasn't big by any means, but it was decent for New York City.

You relayed the information you gathered to your superiors, letting them know that you were done for the day.

You relaxed for a few hours, sitting on the couch and catching up on the shows everyone was watching. It was nearly eight when you got a knock on your door. It had a beat to it, only the type of knock you know Sam would do.

You don't know why he even bothers knocking when he has a key. He didn't live there but before he was Captain America and an Avenger he would come over all the time and you got tired of unlocking the door. You craned your neck as he walked in carrying a bag of takeout.

"I know you haven't had supper yet so I stopped to get some. And it's your favorite, Chinese." He flashes you a smile and sets the bag down on the coffee table in front of the couch. You don't even wait for him to sit down before you grab a styrofoam container and plastic utensils.

"Damn you're hungry." He chuckles and tucks into the couch next to you.

"As always," you reply.

Eating Chinese on your couch with Sam felt so normal. It was something you hadn't done in a long time due to your jobs. No matter how far away you were, you stayed friends. Sam wasn't the type to just lose contact with people, especially not his best friend. You could remember how long and lanky he used to be in high school and looking at him now you could see how much he had filled out.

"Whatcha watchin'?" He made a gesture toward the TV with his fork.

"Random show." As you popped another piece of chicken in your mouth you remembered the whole reason he was coming over. "What did you want to ask me?"

"Oh yeah. Well..." he trailed off and gave you a cheeky smile. "There's this ball I've been invited to. They said I could bring a plus one and I was hoping you would come with me." He cocked his head to the side slightly and raised his eyebrows as if saying, "So how about it?"

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