Your Ex-Boyfriend's Girlfriend (Natasha Romanoff x Reader)

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Bruce and Natasha were exclusive. Not exactly dating, but everyone knew that they liked each other. You were happy for them, but in all honesty you were disappointed. It was just your luck that the two people you liked had to date each other.

But as time went on you could tell everything wasn't perfect between them. They would walk out of their room with red and scowling faces before separating to go do their own stuff. Bruce would go to the lab and Natasha would go to the gym to blow off steam and take their minds off the argument they just had.

Eventually it all added up and came to a boiling point for the both of them. You weren't there but you were told of the aftermath. Natasha said that they were too busy and they were very different people and it would never work out. You were close to both of them, which meant you were stuck in the middle and left to console them.

Natasha left the tower altogether for a while and the whole thing seemed to blow over. In the meantime you and Bruce had gotten closer. He confided in you all the problems he was having and how terribly he felt about the situation.

One night the two of you went out for dinner together and had a little bit to drink, leaving you to confess your feelings for the scientist. To your astonishment he accepted them and the next day when you were sober you became a couple.

Unfortunately it didn't last. In the beginning it was nice and you were both happy. But over the course of three months Bruce became more and more distant. He didn't make time for you and when you were together it was like he wasn't even there. You weren't dumb and realized that he must still be caught up on Natasha all those months later.

You knew it wasn't worth staying and being tied up to someone that didn't care about you. So one night you packed up your stuff and waited for Bruce to get home.

You were sitting in the living room with your bags next to you when the door clicked and Bruce came in. He relocked the door and then turned around.

His brows knit together when he saw you, "What's going on?"

You collected yourself and even though it hurt you had to tell him. "Bruce, I can't do this anymore."

His shoulders dropped and his mouth fell open before he closed it again. "Why?"

"We barely see each other and rarely ever talk. All we do is live together at this point. I don't want to stay in this relationship. I think you need some time to yourself before you open your life to another person."

His face was completely downcast and it made you feel bad, but you did what was right for you.

"I- I understand." He bit his cheek and put his keys down on the entrance table before coming to sit down on one of the seats in the living room. He locked his fingers together and leaned forward in silence.

The clinking of your house key against the table was the only noise audible as you walked to the door with bags in hand. The door clicked as you opened it and clicked again when you shut it. You made your way down the steps of your now old house and to the curb where your ride was waiting.

As you approached the passenger side window rolled down. "I unlocked the trunk so you can put your bags in there," Natasha called

"Thank you so much Nat. I didn't know who else to call." You opened the trunk and set your bags down in it. Then you went back around and got into the passenger seat of her black car.

"It's no problem. I'll always help you out when you need it," she smiled.

The rest of the car ride to Natasha's apartment was pleasantly quiet. It was different from the usual silence with Bruce.

When you arrived Natasha got your bags and carried them in for you. Her apartment was dark and bare, which wasn't surprising. She set your bags down in what was going to be your room.

"I know it isn't much but it's home," she said.

You looked around before turning to look at her. "I like it. There's a lot of potential."

Natasha laughed, "You always see the positive Y/N."

You sighed, "I try."

"Hey," she spoke in a soft voice, "if this is about Bruce then just don't even think about it. From what you told me it sounds like you'd be better off without him."

"You're right. It still hurts though."

She nodded. "And it will for a while, but you need to know that it isn't your fault."

You wrapped your arms around her and she returned the favor. "Thank you," you mumbled.

A few months went by with you staying at Natasha's apartment. You only planned to be there until you had enough money saved to get your own, but when the time came you really didn't want to. The feelings that you held for Natasha before you dated Bruce had resurfaced.

You found yourself enjoying her company more than anyone else's and wishing that something more could come of you two. But you didn't want to impose anymore than you already had.

Natasha also knew that the day you moved out was coming and she was just as sad about it as you were.

You were both sitting in the living room when you brought it up.

"I've almost reached my goal. And I've started looking for apartments."

Natasha nodded her head. What she was about to say was risky, but she knew she wanted you to hear it. "Why don't you just stay here?"

You raised your eyebrows and stared at her. "Nat..."

"I'm serious. I want you here. With me." Her gaze was intense as she waited for your response.

"What are you saying?" You didn't mean for your voice to come out so quietly, but it was barely above a whisper.

"Y/N," she reached for your hand and you let her hold it. "I like you. A lot, and I want you to stay with me. If you would like to, that is."

"I like you too and... yes. I would love to stay here."

A smile spread on Natasha's face as she pulled you in for a long, soft kiss.

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