Chapter 3: The Big Day

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I woke up to the beautiful sounds of birds chirping and the sun shining. Then I look over and see all the girls are already gone. Their beds are made and there is a note on the side of my bed. It says:

"Kelly, we've gone down to our daily classes. Johanna (the head mistress) is letting you sleep in. Also, she wants to see you in her office at 9:30. We love you Kelly Kardashian!
--Camille and Jules"

Aw how sweet. Wait. It's 9:25 I have to be downstairs in 5 minutes. I scramble to look presentable and quickly run downstairs. I realize I am wearing my pajama pants with a shirt that is on backwards so I run back up the stairs and put on a grey tank top with the only pair of shorts that I have which are a salmon kind of pink. Then, to match my grey tank I decided on my grey flats. Also the only flats I have. I throw my hair up into a pony tail and I run downstairs and I make it just in time.

"Ok Kelly. I've got some big news for you today." Johanna starts. I am so excited I can't hold myself back!

"Johanna I am so excited. Is she coming. Is my mother coming. Boy can I get used to saying that!"

"Yes Kelly, Ms. Kardashian is coming to spend some time with you today and as a matter of fact, she just called and she will be here shortly." Johanna says sounding a little bit annoyed.

I decided to go find Camille and Jules and have them help me pick out my outfit since I couldn't meet Kim Kardashian in these rags. I go and I find them studying for our math quiz that I completely forgot about. Oops!

"Hey guys, um I know you guys are busy but can you help me pick out an outfit. Kim I mean my mom is coming to pick me up." I said sounding desperate.

They looked at each other and smiled. They are truly good friends. They put their math away and without saying anything, they got up and choked me into a hug and then took me upstairs.

"Kelly the shorts are really cute, so I think they should stay but different shoes, shirt and hair" said Camille. She has the best sense of style. Well, both of them do.

"I can do your make up. Let me just get my bag out" Jules said looking so excited. I mean it's not everyday that Kim Kardashian is coming to our orphanage.

Camille and Jules start going through my clothing and then Camille suggests I borrow something and she has the perfect shirt in mind. It's a blue floral tank top and matching blue converse to go. Then I walk over to Jules who braids my hair into a fishtail braid and just puts on a bit of mascara and a nude lip and then I'm ready to go.

Then suddenly, I hear the car door close and the sound of heels clicking on the pavement. My stomach is turning and I'm nervously excited. I can't wait! Then I hear it. I can't believe it.

"Kelly. Come here. There is someone here to see you"

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