Chapter 16: The Interview Part 2

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[RS- Ryan Seacrest, KKW- Kelly Kardashian West, KIKW- Kim Kardashian, KRJ- Kris Jenner, KEJ- Kendall Jenner, KYJ- Kylie Jenner, KHK- Khloe Kardashian, SD- Scott Disick, KOK- Kourtney Kardashian, RK- Robert Kardashian, BRJ- Bruce Jenner]

RS- Today, on a special episode of Ryan OnAir, the Kardashians have a huge announcement!!! We are here with the Kardashians, the Jenners, the Wests and even the Disicks. A few weeks ago we saw Kim visiting an orphanage on several occasions. Well today, the news is revealed, Kim

KIKW- Well, when I was about 20 years old, I got pregnant, I had that child and later gave her up for adoption, because I thought that she deserved better than a 20 year old version of me. So, I gave her up for adoption. I have always thought about my daughter, and wondered how she was doing, was she being well taken care of? Is she healthy? I was always praying for her health and safety. Recently, I found out that she was living in the LA Children's Group Home, and I decided to call the head mistress, see what I could do. I ended getting to meet my daughter and this whole experience ended up uniting my family.

RS- Kim, that is absolutely wonderful, as for Kim's daughter, what does she have to say about all of this?

KKW- Hi, my name is Kelly Kardashian West. I am Kim Kardashian's 14 year old daughter. And, well I guess you can say that my life is a never ending road, with unexpected twists and turns. One day, I'm with my best friends Camille and Jules, and the next day I find out that my birth mother is Kim Kardashian! It is absolutely insane.

RS- How do feel about everything that your mother just said, about being unsure of herself as a 20 year old mom?

KKW- Honestly, I think the first 14 years of my life really defined me as a person, I know to never take anything for granted and to be extremely thankful for everything, which I noticed are some values that my family defineltely embrasses. Also, it has created a everlasting bond between me and a few girls I spend everyday for the past 2 or 3 years with, but on the other hand I sometimes wonder what life would be like if I stayed with my family.

RS- What does your family think about all of this?

KYJ- Well, Kendall and I spend half of yesterday with Kelly, and we can definetely tell you that she is amazing! She is extremely kind and is very appreciative.

KEJ- Ya, and as Kylie said, I can't even count how many times Kelly thanked me for anything, all the smallest little details. She really is one of the nicest people I know.

KHK- Well, Kourtney and I spend the other half of the day with Kelly yesterday and we really have nothing horrible to say about her.

KOK- I can definetely back up everything my sisters have said and I can add that Kelly has to get used to the diiferent lifestyle. I think she's absolutely great!

The interviews went on and on for about an hour, and then Ryan said he had a special surprise for me. He turned on a video and I started to cry. They were all pictures of my life at the orphanage. Most of them were with Jules and Camille but there were an occasional one with Gracy or Kristin or some other girls. Then, the lights turned back on and there were 15 empty chairs and the set was empty except for mom, dad, North and Ryan.

KKW- Why are there empty chairs? I'm getting extremely paranoid

RS- Well Kelly, we have a huge surprise for you. Girls, come out.

And suddenly, the 14 girls and Johanna come out and I start crying. Here come Jules, Camille, Gracy, Kristin, Emily, Abbigail, Erika, Aubrey, Hailey, Elena, Katherine, Skyler, Liza and Eleanor. We all run and hug and they all sit down.

I'm sitting here crying while my friends are sitting smiling. Oh how embarrassing.

RS- Well as you can see, your friends are here! Your mom and I organized them because we know how close they are to you.

I stand up and run to give my mom a hugeeee hug!!!

KKW- Wow! I need a minutes to cool down and realize what just happened.

Jules[JU]- Well we haven't seen you in a while, and oh my god!!! Girllllll you look good!

Jules whispered in my ear and I couldn't stop laughing. I was crying and laughing at the same time.

Camille[CA]- Also, we have been wondering how you've been doing and how everything is going. We have all missed you sooo much. Having an empty bed in the room is really weird. Especially because we know that an amazingly talented and beautiful and smart girl used to sleep there.

Once everyone had a chance to speak, the interview was done. It aired tomorrow at 5pm. Ryan even asked Johanna to bring some baby pictures and younger pictures of me so he could make that video, and use those photos in the interview.

After we finished the interview, I took mom and dad to the side and asked if I can invite all the girls over and we could have some time to catch up.

"Of course, I think that that's an amazing idea. Do you also want to invite like the family over?" mom said and I nodded. I looked at dad who gave me a nod of approval and I smiled to myself.

I then walk up to Johanna and ask her the same thing I asked mom and she gave permission because the girls didn't have anything special planned.

"Hey guys, do you want to come over to my house and stay for a little while? You know catch up with things?" the 14 girls nodded.

"Khlo, Kourt, Kendall, Kylie, Rob, Scott, Grandma and Grandpa, wanna come over. My friends are coming over, we can have a small little party." I asked and everyone smiled and nodded.

"Honey I'm going to call Steph, see if she can set up for about 25 people. Ok? You know just some snacks and stuff. She can order a pizza and we can have some fun!" mom said

"Sure, that can be fun!" I said and I'm suddenly super excited.

"Kelly, we forgot to mention, that we are wearing our baithing suits under because your mom told us to bring them." Camille said

"Oh cool! We can now go to the pool!" I say and I'm excited!

Hey guys!!! 2.03k! This is insane and thank you guys! Please comment and vote!!! Thanks -Shell7D

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