Chapter 34

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I was waiting and waiting and waiting. By 7:30, I was getting worried. Why wasn't he showing up? Is he going to break up with me? Is he cheating on me? Well, we're not exactly dating so I guess it's not cheating. Is Brooklyn ok? What if he got into a car accident.

I start taking my shoes off and running upstairs worried. I took my phone out of my clutch and I start dialing his number. Then suddenly I hear a car pull into the driveway and a few seconds later, a door slam. There was quiet for a few seconds and then, the doorbell rings.

I run to answer it and I see Brooklyn standing there with a bouquet of roses.

"Kelly, I'm so sorry I'm late! I honestly lost track of time. I promise that what I have planned for today will make up for it." He hugs me and keeps apologizing.

"Brooklyn, it's ok . I was just getting worried" I answer, my voice shaking. He takes my hand and leads the way into his Range Rover. I hop into the front passenger seat and then we were off!!!

"I can't wait until you see what I have planned for tonight" he says. The rest of the car ride was spend in silence.

After about 10 minutes, we pull into the parking for an Italian restaurant. Once we're seated, and we order, we start talking. We talk about a lot- life at home, work schedules and my upcoming vacation! After we finished our main meal, we ordered dessert.

After some time, a waiter brings us the dessert. I notice that it's not what I ordered. I was about to say something but Brooklyn nods his head and looks at the plate.

I look down and notice chocolate covered strawberries sitting on a plate with chocolate writing. I look at the writing underneath and it says

"Kelly will you be my girlfriend?"
I look at Brooklyn and see a smile from ear to ear.

"Brooklyn, of course. I thought you'd never ask" I say smiling and walking over and hugging him.

"That's why I was late today. Not because I forgot. I was here making arrangements for us" he says. He leans in and kisses me. It was our first kiss...


Today's the day were flying to Aruba! As I say goodbye to mom, dad, Nori and the rest of the family, Khloe, Kendall, Kylie and Kourtney are getting onto the plane.

"By Kelly, be safe. Call us when you get there" mom says. I haven't told her anything about Brooklyn. I don't know how she's going to handle it since I am only 14.

Brooklyn and I talked this morning, and we said our goodbyes yesterday. I am really excited, since this is my first vacation ever!

As I walk up the steps of the plane, I am in awe. This is huge, not to mention all for us!

"Kelly, it's like a seven hour flight, you might as well get comfortable" Khloe says. I didn't think it's that easy to read me.

"Want to wifi password?" Kylie asks. I nod and she writes it down and hands me the piece of paper.


I smile and type it into my phone. As soon as I am connected, my phone starts going off. A noticifation that caught my eye was from Twitter and it said:

Congrats on 4 000 000 followers!

"What? Omg this can't be happening!! I've got 4 million Twitter followers!!!" I was scrolling through my account and Khlo, Ky, Kourt and Kenny were all laughing.

"Trust me, wait a few days and you'll have 10 million" Kourtney says. We all laugh a little bit. Then, it's takeoff time!!!

I was a little bit nervous, but I didn't say anything. While we're taking off I decide to Snapchat it. Kylie and I end up dancing for a few minutes to some music playing in the background.

Then, I tweet some selfies and post the same ones to Instagram.

"Kelly of you get hungry, we stocked up on food and all kinds of snacks" Khloe says and points to a food bar, were Kendall is already filling up her plate. She looks at me and winks, and gets back to eating!

I stand up and walk over there, grab a bowl and start filling up. I felt like some candy so scoop some Maynards, some gummy bears, jelly beans and some gummy worms that looked good!

"Kelly, were gonna have lunch in a few hours, so you know, don't fill up" Kourtney says.

"Well we know who's gonna be the mother on this trip" Khloe says and they laugh.

I ended up some watching movies with Kendall and Kylie (not to mention snapchatting half of it) and then, we were called for lunch.

I spoke to mom, dad and Nori after lunch and then, I went into the corner and spoke to Brooklyn.


When we landed in Aruba, we were driven to a beautiful hotel right on the beach. It was called the Riu Palace. We check in and go to the 20th floor, which is all one suite. Only the room key can unlock the elevator for the 20th floor.

"This is insane" I say as I step into the hotel and everyone agrees.

Hey guys!! Sorry for not updating for a while. I've been pretty busy with school and I've got assignments due every day!! Anyways, I tried to write a little bit of a longer chapter to make up for not updating for a few weeks! Now I have questions for you:

Why do you think Kelly has waiting for her in her bedroom?

Are Brooklyn and Kelly gonna last?

Is Brooklyn really a good boyfriend or is he just using Kelly for the publicity?

Thank you so much for reading and for the continuing amount of support! Thank you for all the likes and the comments and all the reads! We've gotten to over 29k reads! That's absolutely insane!

Thank you soooo much for everything and don't forget to comment and like ;)

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