Chapter 36

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Day 6 of Aruba trip
"Shhhh. I've got the best idea" I hear a voice whisper. Suddenly, I feel my eyelids being pulled open.

"Morning sunshine" someone tells into my ears. I stay as still as I possibly can, hoping the culprit will leave me alone.

I then feel both of my eyelids being pulled open. I see Kendall and Kylie on my bed dresses in their bathing suits and some denim shorts.

"I don't wanna get up!" I whine
"But kelly we ordered pancakes for breakfast, it would be a shame if you missed out" Kylie jokes

"Ok ok, I'm up" I yell, and jump out of bed. I guess they know my weakness.

After breakfast, I run to my room to get dressed. I put on a white crop top and some black jean overalls on top. Today, were volunteering at a homeless shelter for kids.

When we get to the place, I can't believe what I see. It's this horrible tiny beat up shack, that looks like it hasn't been cleaned it a couple of years. There are children playing outside in the dirt and other children sitting outside in a circle.

As soon as they see our car pull up they all stop what they're doing and run towards us. The director comes out and greets us.

"Hello! My name is Sammy! It's a pleasure to meet you guys" she says with a nervous smile. Sammy calls all the kids in and they all stand in front of us. We walk down the line and everyone introduces themselves.

One particular boy caught my attention. I kneel down beside him and smile.

"What's your name?" I ask
"It's Jaron" he says 
"And how old are you Jaron?"
"I'm 6 years old"
"Well it's very nice to meet you" I say and we continue walking down the line. After we meet the 38 kids and the 5 staff, Sammy gives us a tour of the inside. When you walk in, there is two big rooms and 3 doors that I'm assuming lead to the bedrooms.

Sammy shows us where the children live and where her and the staff sleep when they're on shifts. She explains to us how most of these kids were abandoned by their parents and they ha nowhere to go.

I couldn't believe it. Some kids were living here since they we 3! This isn't okay. Everybody should have a home!

We spend the rest of the day volunteering and playing with the kids and towards the end of the day, I didn't want to leave.

I pull Kendall, Kylie, Khloe and Kourtney aside and ask them how has everything been. They couldn't stop gushing about this life changing experience and how they wished they could help even more.

"Well I was thinking about making a donation" I say

"Kelly, that's a great idea!" Kourtney says and everyone nods in agreement.

"Well, I think that is everyone pitches in 5, than we can make a really big difference" Khloe says

"Khloe, it's gonna take a little more than 25$ to make a difference" I laugh

"Kelly we're taking thousands. I think that 25 thousand is enough to leave a big impact on this place" Khloe laughs. I'm slightly embarrassed.

After discussing it a little more, we call Sammy over and tell her the big news. She couldn't believe it. We told her that in a few weeks, well come back with the donation, and we'll even help remodel the building. I couldn't wait!

Well, that was our trip to Aruba! I can't wait to come back!

The next morning we boarded the private jet. After about half an hour in the air, I get a FaceTime call from Brooklyn.

"Hey, I haven't spoke to you, wow three days! It's a record" I laugh

"Yeah, it's sure been a while. Your plane is supposed to land at 12 right?" He asks

"Yeah. That way, we have the rest of the day to relax and unpack" I say. I couldn't wait to see him again! We spoke for 20 more minutes and then, I had to go.

I ended up falling asleep for the rest of the flight and Kendall woke me up right before we landed so I could be sitting up properly.

When we landed at LAX, I saw a crown being held back by several security guards. This couldn't be good.

"Guys, we can't get off the plane until this crowd calms down a little. It's just not safe" Kourtney warns us.

We ended up siting in the plane for another 10 minutes, while security calmed them down.

When we get of the plane, there are hundreds of screaming fans. A black SUV pulls up and we quickly get it, while our suitcases were being loaded in the back.

While we're driving to my house, my phone rings.

"Kelly!!! You're back, I've got so much to tell you and I can't wait to see you. I've missed you!"

Once I got home, and unpacked my suitcase, mom and I got to talking. She told me about how Kendall, Kylie and I got invited to the MTV VMAs and the People's Choice Awards and the American Music Awards! I couldn't wait.

"Oh also, I wanted to know if you'd be interested in doing a clothing line with Topshop. It's like what Kendall and Kylie have, but it's your own designs."

"Yeah! Of course I would love to! That would be absolutely perfect and insane. I'm so excited!" I squeal.

"Your meeting will be on the 19. You should come up with an idea and your target audience. Also, think about the overall style and design of the collection.  You're going to have 4 lines come out every year, so you're going to need a lot o ideas!" She laughs. We hug.

"And finally Kelly, on a more serious note, I need to talk about Bruce" she's says. I couldn't help but feel nervous, I hope he's okay.

"Bruce doesn't feel alright with himself. He doesn't feel like Bruce Jenner. Bruce, is transgender" mom says.

"Oh. I don't know what to say. I mean, go Bruce for having the courage to do that!" I say. She explains about her not feeling like herself, and not being herself. She told me that we should support her no matter what and we should always be there because she is family.

After I took a little nap, I decided to call Brooklyn.

"Hey. Wanna go out for dinner" i blatantly say
"Sure does 6:30 sound ok?"
"Ta sure!"
"Ok. I'll pick you up. I missed you" he says and I smile.
"I missed you too. Can't wait" I say and and we hang up the phone. I look at the time and see that I've got an hour and a half before he's going to be here.

I hop into the shower for a bit. Then, I get out dry and straighten my hair. I desire on a half up half down look and some light makeup.

I put on a black romper and a gold statement necklace, I slip into some gold pumps and throw my phone into a black clutch. I'm ready to go!

Hey guys! I know I haven't updated in a while and I'll really sorry. But I've it some pretty good ideas for the next few chapters and I can't wait!!!
Comment what you thought about the chapter and what you think will happen. Comment your thoughts and suggestions, I love reading them!! Don't forget to like the chapter!


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