Chapter 6: Welcome Home

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2 days later
Tomorrow is my new beginning, my new chance at making a life I want. A life that is good for me and a life that I can be proud of.

I'm packing up all of my belongings and saying my goodbyes. To be fair, I don't have that many things so it didn't take that long. Three tops, one sweater, one pair of shorts, a pair of flip flops, a pair of flats, one pair of converse, two bras, three pairs of underwear, my book, hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, pyjama pants and a pyjama shirt and a few other things. (I was wearing the other pair of converse, jeans and a t-shirt).

"Kelly, Jules and I decided to go out and buy you a bracelet to remember us" said Camille and Jules added
"We all have matching ones" I could feel and sadness in their voices. When they pull out my new bracelet, my eyes start to water.

"You remembered!" I was so surprised! Back when we first met, we were discussing if we had to wear one accessory for the rest of our lives, what would it be and I said a black bracelet with my initials in silver studs. But this bracelet was better. It had all of our initials on them. I couldn't believe I was leaving them.

We sat in silence for a while. Occasionally we heard a cry but we sat there thinking. I was thinking about my new life. What it's going to be like to live in such a huge house? What it's going to be like to have so many people care for me? What if they don't care about me? What if I got this all wrong? What if my life will be worse? Why did my mom give me up for adoption anyways? Who is my father? Why doesn't he care enough to find me?

Suddenly, I found myself having second thoughts. What if my mom is going to adopt me and then bring me back like every other family did.

"Kelly? Kelly are you ok?" Jules asked. I then realized I was shaking. I couldn't control it and I was scared.

"Kelly. What's wrong? It's ok, you can tell us" Camille says and I start to calm down.

"Well, what if my mom doesn't want me anymore and she decides to bring me back to the orphanage? Why did she leave me anyway? What's going to happen when I get there? Am I going to be treated like an outcast? I would much rather stay here." I start of talking but in the end I'm shaking and sobbing.

"Now why would you even say that. You know your mom wouldn't come and spend time with you if she didn't want to. Don't worry. Everything is going to be alright" Jules said in the most comforting tone.

"It's only 2:30, so why don't you take a nap, relax and we'll wake you up for dinner" Camille suggests and I couldn't be more relieved.

"Thanks. You guys are the best! I'll miss you" I said as I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Shortly after I fell asleep.
3 hours later
"Kelly, wake up dinner is in 30 minutes and it's your turn to shower" Jules whispered shaking me a little. Within two minutes I'm up and ready to freshen up. With 15 girls in our room and only one shower, we take our shower time really seriously.

As I gather my shampoo, conditioner, body soap, loofa and my razor I see Gracy (pronounced Gracie) walk out smiling.

"Kelly I'm going to miss you. Promise that miss Kelly Kardashian will come and visit us and will never forget us" she says

"I give you my oath, miss friends with a Kardashian." Her and I have a connection. Although we don't talk that often, when we do it's memorable.

After a minute of staring at each other, I walk into the the bathroom, and turn on the shower.

When I get out, I get Camille to brush my long hair out one last time as a tradition, and then we head downstairs for dinner. Then, we just stay up talking the rest of the night and then around 10 PM we go to sleep. really going to miss these moments.

When I wake up, I hear sobs. When I roll over I see all the 15 girls are crying. It's never easy leaving, after all we all made a bond. We spend every second of every day together I mean we're gonna establish some kind of relationship.

Then, I look over on my night table and I see a few little gift bags and with cards from all the names of the girls. Now I feel like my eyes are watering up with tears and then we all let them go.

We sob until Johanna comes to our door, looking a little teary eyed herself, and tells me that my mom and stepdad are going to pick me up in half an hour. That didn't help since all of the girls start crying even more.

After about another five of sitting in our pyjamas crying, I decide to get up, wash my face and get ready to start a new life.

I put my hair into a ponytail and put on my only clothing that isn't packed which is a pair of ripped, dark wash skinny jeans, a black shirt with a silver rose, my blue converse and the bracelet Jules and Camille gave to me yesterday.

Then I hear the car door close and heals clicking on the pavement. I get that feeling again, the one where I feel like my insides are turning. With my luggage in hand and a group photo in the other, I don't wait to be called. I just head downstairs.

"Kelly you look so gorgeous" mom says to me while pulling me into a hug. She is wearing a grey skirt with a pink tank top and white heels. She looks absolutely stunning.

"Hi Kelly, I'm Kanye but you can call me dad if you want" he extends his arm to me but I jump on him and hug him. I've never been able to call someone dad ever. It feels great!

My dad didn't look that bad himself, he wore a navy blue t-shirt with black jeans and light brown boots. He also wore a few chains.

Compared to them, I did look like an orphan, and it sucked.

"Hi Jules and hi Camille" mom said and they replied with

"Ahhhhhhh, she remembers our names" I turned to my dad and said we're all big fans. He smiled and I blushed a bit.

Once we bawled our eyes out even more we said our goodbyes and we got in the limo. Paparazzi were everywhere and I wasn't used to it.

After a 20 minute drive, we pull up to this incredibly huge and beautiful mansion. When the limo stops I couldn't get out. It's insane!

Once I actually get out of the car, we walk up to the door and it automatically opens for us! (Then I realize it's a butler but it was cool at the moment) I am in such shock when I hear

"Welcome home Kelly Kardashian!" I am in such shock, that I jump and them fall to the ground. Nobody knows whether or not they should laugh but when I burst out laughing so do they.

When I look up, I realize that it's the Kardashians, Jenners and Disicks!

They all start introducing themselves,
"Hi Kelly, I'm Kourtney, hey I'm Scott and this is Mason, Penelope and Reign"

"I don't mean to sound krazy with a k, but I love your show. I know who you guy are" They all burst out laughing and so do I. This is going better than I expected!

"Well in that case come give Aunt Koko and huge hug!" I run and jump into Khloe's arms and she welcomes we with a big warm hug. I love my family already! Once I meet my aunts, uncles, cousins, grandma, grandpa and a bunch of other family members, I walk over to my mom, who is holding my baby sister.

"Hi Nori, I'm your big sister Kelly" I say

She dives into my arms and kisses me on the cheek saying

"Hi big sista Kewee" It was the sweetest moment ever

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