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"Kelly. We have to call the police." dad says

Da left the room in a hurry. "Wait mom, before you do anything, explain to me why was Hayden Christensen watching me?" I was enraged that I was being watched. I was terrified and furious.

Was he looking for mom? Was he looking to get some pictures? Was he looking to hurt us? Where was the security guard?

Dad comes back running into the room saying they caught Hayden almost right away because he was still so near our house.

He's on his way to the police station and we should be too because he has some serious explaining to do.

When we get to the police station Hayden is sitting in the interrogation room handcuffed and is speaking to detective Benson and detective Amaro (shoutout to all the people who watch Law&Order and if you don't, finish the chapter then GO WATCH IT!!)

I hear him saying "the only reason I was even near Kelly is because she's my daughter. I'm telling you"

"You sound pathetic right now" Amaro says

"Amaro, the guy wouldn't lie about something like this. Just see if you can get a DNA test done" detective Benson says.

I turn to look at mom.

"What is he saying? Seriously? You didn't even bother telling me who he is?" I was so confused. In these last few hours I was almost scared to death and now I'm finding out about the other half of me. I've never even took a minute to consider who was my father because Kanye is my dad.

We've established such a close relationship I can't even imagine what my life would be without him.

Detective Amaro comes out of the room and starts talking to mom about the possibility of a DNA test being done.

"There's no need for that because I know he's the father" mom says

Suddenly, I feel the need to interrupt "No mom, I want the DNA yet to be done. What if he's lying" she gives me a sympathetic nod and then turns to Detective Amaro who lease me into another room.

After DNA test
Detective Benson comes out of the interrogation room and explains "we'll keep him in custody for now, until the results come in. We don't want a potential stalker out on the loose. You guys can go home and get some rest. Would you like us to monitor your property?"

"I think it's ok, we've got our security team." Mom answers

"But where were they when Hayden got onto the property" dad says and I nod in agreement.

"Ok so we'll send someone to escort you through the back and we will have 4 people already waiting for you at your property" detective Benson smiles and leads us to Finn, who will escort us out.

Hey guys.
I know this is a short chapter but it's two updates in a week!!! Who's proud?
So what did everyone think of the chapter?
Is Hayden really Kelly's dad?
Or is he some crazy obsessive stalker posing as Kelly's dad?
Don't forget to comment, vote for the chapter and please check out my new book it's called just KaTie.
I worked really hard on it!!
Thank you to lautnerslily for giving me an idea for this chapter!

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