Chapter 35

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Our suite is HUGE!! There is 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a kitchen, living rooms, I can't believe this is a hotel!

"So, Kelly, what do you think?" Kourtney asks
"This is literally insane and the most amazing thing I've ever seen! Thank you so much!"

As I walk into my room, there is a huge basket filled with a bunch of presets: Swiss chocolates, my favourite movies, some brand new bathing suits, my favourite book series, a new pair of Chanel sunglasses, some tv shows and even brand new beats!

Inside, on the very side there's a card with a pink background and gentle white lace. On the cover it says FOR MY GIRLFRIEND

Once I open the card, I read a cute little message from Brooklyn. My bed is covered with pink rose petals and each petal has a word on it: BEAUTIFUL, KIND, HAPPY, GENEROUS etc.

I call Brooklyn right away.
B- hey babe
K- Brooklyn this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me! Thank you so much. It's beautiful!
B- Kelly enjoy your vacation! I can't wait to see you when you get back! This is only day 1! I can't wait until you see what I have planned!
K- ok, thanks and I'll see you later bye!!

I hang up the phone and run to go get my suitcases. I drag them into my room and start unpacking.

Kourtney comes into my room to see how everything's going and she smiles when we she sees my bed.

"You guys are so cute! Are you official?" She giggles

"I guess, I don't know lol, we're kinda low key dating" I answer back, slightly embarrassed with my ridiculous answer.

"KOURTNEY COME HERE NOW" Khloe screams from the other room.

I continue to unpack my suitcase. Finally when I'm all done I go into the living room and sit down on the couch and scroll through my Instagram feed.

"Hey wanna go on a walk on the beach?" Kylie asks scaring the living daylight out of me.

"Sure. But I've gotta go change" I say. Kylie nodded and walked into her room.

I run into my room an pull out my pink beach dress and my sandals. I slip it on and grab the sunglasses Brooklyn got me. Finally, I grab a beautiful straw sunhat and walk out.

Kylie is already waiting for me taking some selfies. We take a nice long stroll on the beach and of course take some selfies!!!

I post on Instagram and caption my pic:

Kel and Ky Koncur ARUBA!🌞🌞

As we're walking down the shore, we see a group of people huddled up against an area that's blocked off by a small orange fence. Kylie takes my had and runs towards the group of people. We somehow manage to make it to the front and we see all small little turtle trying to crawl out of a hole in the ground along with about 5 others.

"These eggs have hatched about a day ago, but only now they crawl out of their nest. They had to gain enough strength and power to actually hatch because it's not an easy task" a woman standing in the middle of the blocked off area says. She's wearing a shirt that says "Nation Turtle Association of Aruba".

We stay to watch the turtles swim into the ocean and then we head back to the hotel since it was getting late.

We walk into the hotel room and go ready for dinner.

I go ahead and take a quick shower. I decide to let my hair fall naturally and so I go to my closet. I pick out a light blue maxi dress and a pair of nude strapping heels. I put on the necklace that Brooklyn got me and add some bangles. I put on a nude lip and a little bit of eye makeup and then I head outside or dinner. I pass by a pink hydrangea bush so I pick one and put it in my hair.

I walk downstairs and join Kendall at the elevators.

"I'm so hungry" Kendall laughs

"Of course you are" I answer. I couldn't help but laugh. We walk outside onto the patio and through a bunch of trees, where our table was hidden.

The  five of us sit down and have a nice dinner. After that, we all head upstairs and get ready for bed.

"We've got a long day tomorrow. Goodnight Kells!" Says Kourtney.

Hey guys!
I'm so sorry about not updating for so long. I know I haven't updated in so long it I have been so busy with school and dance and everything else.
I'm so sorry and thank you for reading! Don't forget to like and comment! I've got so many ideas and I can't wait until you read them all.


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