Chapter 26

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Walking the red carpet with Kendall and Kylie was amazing!

Although the questions about Brooklyn were slightly annoying, this was an experience of a lifetime!

"Kelly, I don't know how many times Ie said this today but you look absolutely gorgeous!" Kendall says and Kylie nods.

Suddenly I feel an arm grab mine and I turn around to see Mr. Brooklyn Beckham.

"Kelly, you're so stunning. I have absolutely no words to describe how beautiful you look! You're just gorgeous" I blush a little and smile and look over my shoulder only to see Kendall and Kylie waiting by the entrance watching us

"Brooklyn, I have to go. Thank you. I'll see you later. By the way you look hot" I wink and walk away.

"You guys are pretty darn cute together. Ok let's go inside. We're starting in a few minutes" as we walk inside and take our seats at our table, I take a moment to look around, to just intake the moment. The room was dimly lit with a red light and the tables were all decorated with white and black tablecloths and in the middle there was the E Network logo. I see the chair beside pull out and I notice that it's no one other than Brooklyn Beckham.

"Brooklyn, how on earth did you get a seat at our table" I checked the seating arrangement earlier and I don't remember seeing Beckham and Kardashian-West at the same table.

"Well, I have my ways" he laughs and I smile.


"So how was it?" mom asks

"It was a lot of fun. I met a lot of new people and got a lot of new contacts" I said

"So Kelly, I've been meaning to asks you, is there a particular field you would like to get into? I mean singing, acting, dancing, modelling, designing. There are so many to choose from"

"I know I dot wanna be a dancer and I don't wanna start of as an actress, but I want to look into singing and designing. Modelling is Kendall's thing and I she's really good at it" I answer mom

"Lucky for you, dad's got a lot of contacts and I've got the designing contacts what would you like to start with?"

"Singing can be fun. I mean, I've always loved to sing and I love fashion"

"Ok, no problem. Tomorrow you'll talk to daddy see what he can do and I'll set up a meeting with some potential designers."

"Thanks mom!! I'm so excited!"

"I'm really excited for you, but for now it's time to go to sleep. Its 11:30 and if all goes well, we have a very busy day ahead of us"

"Thanks mom. Goodnight" when mom walks out of my room, I grab my phone and tweet out goodnight to my 964k Twitter followers.

"@KellyKardashianWest: Gn💞"
I put my phone away, roll over and try to fall asleep thinking about the opportunities that so have thanks to my family.

I wake up around 9:30 to the mouthwatering smell of dads pancakes. I throw on my robe and head downstairs.

"Good morning Kelly, I made your favourite!" Dad says. I see mom playing with Nori an I decide that now would be a good time to ask dad about what mom and I discussed last night.

"Dad, I was wondering if mom told you anything about-"

"The possibility of you taking singing seriously? Ya she spoke to me and I think that it's a wonderful idea. After breakfast I was thinking you can come down to my studio and we can see what you've got."

"Ya sure! You've got a studio?"

"Ya it's that room on your right over there. You didn't know?"

"Honestly, when mom told we about the studio, I thought she was talking about a workout studio or a dance studio I didn't even think of a recording studio. That's so cool!" After we ate breakfast, I ran to my room and got ready. I threw on some dark washed jean shorts and a neon green Adidas workout shirt. It's one of my favourites and it's really comfortable. I throw my hair into a messy bun and put some lipgloss on.

In the studio, dad gives me the lyrics to Ariana's My Everything and plays the music.

"I cried enough tears to see my own reflection in them
And then it was clear
I can't deny, I really miss him
To think that I was wrong
I guess you don't know what you got until it's gone
Pain is just a consequence on love
I'm saying sorry for the sake of us
He wasn't my everything til we were nothing
And it's taking me a lot to say"

"Ok. Stop" I feel mortified I mean I know that I'm not great, but it couldn't have been that bad. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. That's probably why dad said something

" don't know how good you are" he said

"I mean you brought tears to my eyes you're that good. I'm going to set up a meeting with Scooter. He's really good with younger artists like you. Oh I also filmed a small part of you singing, I figured Instagram or Twitter, you know" he said and walked out of the room dialling someone on his phone. In the distance I could hear

"Hey scooter, I've got Kelly here and she's really good. I suggest you have a listen. Ok perfect. I'll send you the clip.get back to me asap. Thanks. Bye" I walked out of the studio and back Up to my room. I posted the video of me singing and it instantly got 10k likes. I was so surprised.

I decided to call up Brooklyn and go for ice cream.

"Hey Brooklyn, wanna go for frozen yogurt? K I'll meet you there in 20. Bye" I hung up the phone and put on a crop top with my initials in the back. KKW and two black stripes on the bottom. I changed my shorts into a high waisted pair of dark wash and threw on some ballet flats. I put some makeup on and asked mom to drive me to Yogurt Frozen.

Hey guys!!! 7.75k is insane. Thank you so much! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. This chapter is a little longer. Please comment and vote!

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