Chapter 22

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"Brooklyn?? Really? He's like 10" Kylie teases

"Ya and I'm like what 3?" I answer

"Ooohhhh. We've got tension" Kendall says while video taping us. Kylie and I start laughing uncontrollably.

"Is everything ok in here?" Mom walks in and we freeze.

"Oh no. Caught in the act. Ms Kardashian West, Ms Jenner and Mrs Kardashian West. I there going to be a showdown?" Kendall says and all four of us dieee.

Mom leaves the room and a few minutes later my phone suddenly goes off. I look at it and turn all red. Kendall and Kylie run over and start screaming.

"Kelly's got a boyfriends. Kelly's it a boyfriend."

"Guys stop it what if mom comes and hears me" I say fearing for my life.

"Chill. She won't care. It's your dad that's the problem" Kendall says and I agree.

I look at my phone again:

"Twitter:You've got a new message from @BrooklynBeckham"

"Twitter: @BrooklynBeckham is now following you"

"Well. Are you gonna answer it?" Kylie says impatiently

"Kylie, you've gotta chill" I answer impatiently

I swipe the notification, put in my password- my birthday- 0730 and my phone goes strait to Twitter. I feel like there are butterflies in my stomach. I am so nervous. Why am I so nervous, it's just a crush. A crush right nothin more.

"Well what does it say?" They both say at the same time. I read the message out loud.

"Hey Kelly, I'm in town and I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner"

Kendall and Kylie are smiling and I can feel the blood rushing to my face.

"Well what do I say?" I ask after what felt like hours of awkward silence.

"Kelly, do you want to go?" Kylie asks. I slowly nod and cover my face.

"Well then go" Kylie says and Kendall walks over and hugs me.

"Are you gonna tell your mom?" Kylie asks and I shrug my shoulders without paying attention.

I look up and say "I'm answering a very special tweet right now, please leave me alone. Thanks" I wink and look back at my phone.

"How's this sound?
"Hey Brooklyn, sure. I would love to go for dinner. Tell me when you were thinking and I'll see you there"

"Awwww. Teen love. How romantic" Kendall laughs.

"Kendall you nineteen" I say emphasizing the teen

"Whatever. You're fourteen" she answers

"Guys. Come down for dessert" dad screams and we go downstairs.

While I take a seat I hear footsteps behind me and the lights slowly dim

"Welcome to the family Kelly" my whole family screams!!!

"Oh my god!!!" Is all I could say!

"Thank you!!!" I say and tear up a bit. This is so amazing! Mom put the cake in front of me and I scream a bit.

"Mom this is my favourite! Thanks you guys soooo much!!" I say and cut the cake.

Once we finish eating I check my phone and see a text message on our K squad chat.

"Kylie-When are you gonna tell her?"
"Kendall-take ur time don't listen to this idiot^^^"
"Lol guys it's ok. Wanna spend the night?" I don't wanna sleep alone.
"Kendall-ya sure we can"

"Kim. Can we spend the night?" Kendall asks

"Ya sure. I'll ask Jayneye (Jay-nee) to make the spare rooms"

"No can they stay in my room?" I ask

"Ok sure. But won't you be to cramped in there?" She asks

"No well be fine" Kylie says and we run upstairs.

Hey guys!!!
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