Chapter 17: Pool Party

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By the time we got home, it was 3 o'clock. As we pulled into the driveway, I could hear "oohs and aahs" from all the girls, even Johanna and chuckles from my family.

When we got home, I showed them to my room. In my room, we had a little fangirl moment because we were in the Kardashian-West household.

"Does anyone here understand, that Kim Kardashian is in the same building as us" Katherine says.

"They are goalzzz" Abbigail says and we all burst out laughing.

"K guys I wanna swim" I say and we all get ready for the pool and head outside.

While swimming, Kendall and Kylie were with us. It was kind of funny watching the girls scream over Kenny and Kyles. They are my aunts!!!

"Okay, now what's the 4-1-1" Gracy says quoting Mean Girls and we all die of laughter. She's insane.

"Girls, who wants burgers and who wants hot dogs?" Dad asked and we all told him what we wanted. About 10 minutes later, we all came out to tan. It was great weather. 32°C! [Im Canadian so... °C]

"If anyone wants some magazines, I brought you some" mom says and hands us one out.

After about 20 minutes of tanning, dad tells us that the food is ready.

"For real, I have never seen so much food in my entire life. Like for real." Camille said

"Are you for real? Like for real?" Jules and I mocked Camille at the same time.

"What can I say, great minds think alike" she winked.

After we ate, we all decided to swim some more, then tanned a little more and decided to watch a movie.

"Anyone got any movie ideas?" I ask

"What about Divergent?" says Emily.

"Nah, what about The Maze Runner?" Eleanor says

Jules makes a vomit face and suggests a romance

"The Notebook for instance" he says and we all die of laughter.

"Guys, what about TFIOS" Kylie says an she walks into the room.

"Kylie, that's a great idea." I say and we smile

"Ya, I want to watch it. So, I'll set up the movie and you go make the popcorn" she says, I nod and run downstairs.

"Hey guys" I say and wave to the Kardashian Jenner Disick and West crew sitting in the kitchen.

"Hey your friends are sooo nice" Kendall says. I smile and make 9 bags of popcorn. We can split a bag for two people and Johanna (who just joined us) will have her own.

"Kylie, can I share with you?" I ask quietly and she jumps onto me with a HUGEEEEE hug! I'll take that as a yes!!!

After the movie ends

Us girls can make a lot of garbage. We all start to clean up the popcorn bags and countless boxes of tissues when I got a text message from Kendall

Kendall; "Wanna go to a pool party tomorrow? 1 pm at Gigi's house. She invited you❤️❤ btw your mom said it's fine;)"

Kelly: "Ya sure. i don't have any nice swimsuits:("

Kendall: "That can only mean one thing: SHOPPING💁"

I couldn't help bit start laughing.

"Ok girls. I think its time we go" says Johanna.

"Here come the waterworks" says Camille.

We all cry, say goodbye and promise to see each other really soon.

Kendall: when are we going shopping😘😘😘

Kelly: what about now??? 👊👊👊 meet me in my room!!

Kendall: k I'll be there soon

Kendall walks into my room and helps me pick out my clothes. I put on a touch of makeup and we head out the door.

"Mom we're going see you soon" I said

"Kelly can I come?" Asks Kylie and I smile and she joins us and skips out the door.

We are a weird bunch!!!

Hey guys!!!!
Asdfghjkl I can't believe it 2.72k views!!! You guys are great. My internet is going all crazy so that's why I haven't updated. Btw I haven't really edited the story and so it might have mistakes. Also I know that this chapter is boring but I had to update. Anddddd the picture is what she wears at the end to go to the mall with Kendall and Kylie. Sorry❤️❤️❤️

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